Sunday, September 8, 2019

America's "No Gun" Zones

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The National Rifle Association (NRA) may blather on about how having guns around makes you safer, but in its heart of hearts the fascist bully knows that is just so much crap.  If having guns readily available makes one safer, then why does the NRA ban guns from its national headquarters?

The hypocrisy is astounding!

And then there is the Republican Party, a political organization that proudly proclaims itself to be the champion of gun rights and gun owners.  The GOP banned guns from the arena at its most recent national convention (2016) and has also moved to prohibit the carrying of guns at its extremely rare congressional town halls.  Guns are also not permitted in the US Capitol, the home of the United States Congress, an institution that was, until very recently, under the complete control of the Republican Party.

But it gets worse!

Donald John Trump, the GOP deity and poster boy for gun rights, promised voters in 2016 that if he was elected he would sign a bill on his first day as President that would eliminate all gun-free zones in America.  You just can't get any more John Wayne than that.  But did Trump keep that promise?

You may find this difficult to believe, but Trump lied.

Not only do the gun-free zones remain in place, but Trump has made damned sure that areas which he frequents are gun-free as well.  Firearms are not permitted in the White House, nor may guns be brought to Mar-a-Lago.

Republicans may not give a healthy damn about the safety of little kids in America's public schools, but when ti comes to protecting their own greedy hides - they're on it!!

The week Walmart made news when the company management went on record "respectfully requesting" that customers no longer openly carry firearms into their stores.  That request, which lacked the force of a direct ultimatum and did not address "concealed" carry at all, set the NRA to roaring and threatening a boycott.  Kroger, Walgreens, and CVS quickly followed suit with similar non-binding requests.  Target and Starbucks had similar "requests" in place going back several years.

And now other large retailers are joining in the push to keep guns out of their stores, places like Albertsons and HEB Groceries.

An article posted at "The Hill" yesterday discussed the gun-related policies of America's thirty largest retailers.  Of the thirty, sixteen did not respond to questions about their gun policies.  Those companies included:  Amazon (stores), Lowe's, Apple (stores), Best Buy, McDonald's, Publix, Dollar General, Dollar Tree, Verizon, Kohl's, Yum! Brands, Mejer, Ace Hardward, Walefern/Shoprite, 7-Eleven, and AT&T.

Of the retailers that did respond to questions about their gun policies, three appeared to have no restrictions regarding bringing guns into their stores:  Those which are apparently fine with open-carry include TJX (T.J. Maxx, Marshall's, and HomeGoods), Macy's, and Aldi's.  Shopper beware!  (Remember, the NRA may say that having guns around will make you safer, but the NRA also does not allow guns in its corporate headquarters.  And while Trump may bellow about the loveliness of guns, you won't find any at Mar-a-Lago!)

Only one retailer, of the largest thirty in America, completely forbids bringing guns into its stores - and that hero of public safety is Costco!

Costco also pays their employees a living wage and treats them humanely - and the company doesn't allow knuckle-draggers to roam their store aisles while packing weapons - either out in the open or concealed.

I shop Costco whenever I can, and I feel safe while I am there!

1 comment:

Helen said...

A family member works at costco and says people DO carry in their stores in Spokane