Friday, September 20, 2019

Car Wars - and Trump Is Losing!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

This past Tuesday night a black Mercedes Benz automobile that was being driven by a sixty-three-year-old man crashed into the lobby of the Trump Plaza in New Rochelle, New York.   The driver of the car, who immediately got out of his fancy vehicle and sat down on one of the sofas in the lobby of the building, had minor injuries, as did the building's doorman.

The Trump Plaza in New Rochelle is a forty-story structure housing 194 condos and various amenities such as an in-door pool and fitness center.  When the building opened more than a decade ago, Donald Trump hailed it as the beginning of New Rochelle's "renaissance".    At this time it remains unclear as to how Trump learned that big word - or how to use it in a sentence.

News reports indicate that the crash may have been related to a medical condition of the driver who reportedly claimed to have "blacked out."  And while sixty-three may seem old to some, he is still a full decade younger than Donald Trump himself, and far, far younger than Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Bernie Sanders.

Earlier this month there were a couple of vehicle attacks on Trump properties.  A twenty-six-year-old New Jersey man named Richard McEwan was arrested for cutting donuts on the 11th and 13th greens at the Trump National Golf Course in Bedminster, New Jersey.  The New Jersey club is where Trump traditionally spends the entire month of August on vacation.

McEwan was spotted cutting "tight circles" on the 11th hole of the golf course on September 3rd.  He was driving his 2006 Ford Focus and had the "tunes cranked."  He managed to drive off before being apprehended, but was captured less than a week later while doing an encore performance on the 13th green.  Damage was estimated at around $20,000.

(Last month Richard McEwan was busted "shoeless" wandering around Taylor Swift's beachfront home in Rhode Island.  He told authorities that he was looking for Ms. Swift, and had taken his shoes off to be polite.)

With this spate of car attacks on Trump properties, some have been moved to wonder aloud if Trump is wasting his efforts in building a wall along the southern border - and perhaps would be better served by building walls around his real estate instead.  And others have noted that there are likely more illegal immigrants working at Trump properties than "swarm" across the border in a busy month.  Those industrious Guatemalan maids and greens-keepers deserve the protection from rampaging cars that walls would offer.

This is war, America - and right now the cars are winning!

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