Friday, September 27, 2019

The Oregon Trail and Steak 'n Shake

by Pa Rock
Traveling Fool

I am with my son and his family this morning in the Kansas suburbs of Kansas City preparing to board an Alaska Airlines' flight in the afternoon for a trip to Portland, Oregon.  I have talked about it before in this space, but essentially I will be taking just a few hours - less than four - to bounce up and over the old Oregon Trail, the one the wagon trains took from St. Joseph, Missouri, to the Willamette Valley in Oregon a century-and-a-half ago, a trip that took months - for those who were lucky enough to survive it.

And I have no doubt at all that some of my grandchildren - or at least their grandchildren - will tread upon the moon and planets and places far, far beyond my understanding or imagination.  The times they are a-changing, mighty damned fast!

Rosie was quite upset yesterday morning when she realized that I was preparing to leave and she was not going to get to travel with me.  The older she gets, the more possessive she seems to become.  I will bring her something special from my travels and make amends through old-fashioned bribery.

There is seldom any special news out of West Plains, Missouri, but there is one up-coming big event which I will miss.  Steak 'n Shake is opening a branch in my small town!  A couple of days ago I noticed that the lights are on, the furniture is in place, and all of the signage is up.   I suspect they will probably open the doors to the public this weekend - and I'm going to miss the big event.

Steak 'n Shake seldom comes to places as small as West Plains (population 12,000), so this is a big deal for our little community.  I have been a fan of the franchise for over half-a -century, having spent much quality time at the only one in Springfield, Missouri, (at the corner of College and National), back during my undergrad days at the old Southwest Missouri State College.  Even then it was some of the best food around.

So I do regret that I will miss Steak 'n Shake's big grand opening in West Plains - but I will begin eating my way through their menu very soon!  Welcome, old friend!

More later from Oregon and beyond!

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