Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The True State of the Union

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Tonight Donald John Trump will take to the national airwaves and submit his oral report on "the state of the union."  He will try his best to scare us into seeing America the way he sees it, as besieged by ravenous brown and black hordes fighting to enter our country so they can get rich selling drugs to innocent white school children and rape our virtuous white women.  In an effort to fire up his flagging base, he is also expected to dredge up the abortion issue and flog that old horse for awhile as well.

Republicans and others who support Trump with their votes and allegiance have a long history honoring and protecting fetuses.   It isn't until those little buggers slide out of the birth canal and officially become miniature human beings with demonstrable wants and needs that support from America's hard right begins to falter.  Fetuses are a cause, babies are a problem.

To see what Trump supporters really think of children, particularly poor children and children of color, one has to look no further than America's current rush to defund public education, eliminate social welfare programs, and to incarcerate children and families in makeshift prison camps.

Trump will piss and moan about caravans tonight, and the rights of the unborn, but he won't say anything about children living in cages along the southern border, or children who were removed from their parents by U.S. border officials and now cannot be located, or children trapped in underfunded and understaffed public schools.    Those things don't matter in Trump's America.

Donald Trump's path to making the country better will involve heightening social and economic inequalities and then blaming every hardship in life on the country's poor and powerless - and the immigrant hordes who are relentlessly charging at the border with battering rams and siege engines.

Donald Trump is a person who speaks in terms of "us" and "them."  He lacks the energy, intelligence, and discipline to actually govern, so he generates chaos to draw attention away from his inability to lead.  Trump is a divider at a time when the United States of America is in dire need of a unifier, someone to lead the entire country into the future.

The state of the union is abysmal - and we have Donald John Trump to thank for it.

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