Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Bluebirds of Happiness

by Pa Rock
Spring Whisperer

Winter this year has been unrelenting.  The sun may break through for a few hours, but soon we are right back in the cold and drizzle.  According to the several groundhogs who reside under Rock's Roost, winter should be winding down as an early spring prepares to settle in, but that just is not happening.  Today, just to keep things interesting, it is not only cold and drizzly, but we are also steeped in fog.

Spring, wherefore art thou?

Well, in all honesty, spring did peep through two days ago, albeit briefly.   I was puttering about the kitchen preparing a quick breakfast for Rosie and myself when I heard the excited chirpings of some springtime birds coming from the backyard.  I quickly glanced out the window and was delighted to see a pair of young bluebirds flitting around each other and singing as they engaged in a bit of feathered foreplay.

Later, when I went back to the window I saw them exploring a couple of the old birdhouses that I have up in the backyard.   Even though the houses that I have up are not official bluebird boxes, they did seem to appeal to the little birds, especially the one that is painted fire engine red.  I guess there is no accounting for taste!

My Kansas City son phoned at noon just as I was preparing lunch for me and Rosie.  I talked to him while standing at the kitchen counter, and was again staring out of the window.  This time the little bluebirds were exploring the exterior on my car.  The mother bird was climbing around on the windshield wipers, and I feared she might be thinking about building her nest in the well beneath the wipers - an action that would result in me having to walk to town for the next several weeks until the baby birds were ready to leave the nest.

The young daddy bluebird was fascinated with the mirror on the passenger side of the car.  He kept walking along the base of the passenger window and then hopping onto the mirror.  I finally figured out that he was focused on his own reflection.  As the little rascal hopped along the base of the passenger window, he also relieved himself numerous times which resulted in streamers of bird poop running down the passenger door.

Yesterday my little bluebirds were nowhere to be seen, nor have they reappeared today.  I am hopeful that they find someplace safe to build their nest, high above the maddening cats, and that The Roost is home to bunches of baby bluebirds when spring finally arrives!

And when the weather breaks good for a few hours - or hopefully days - I will take my car to town and wash it.  But for the time being I will take pride in the fact that is has been joyously decorated by a pair of happy bluebirds!

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