Monday, February 25, 2019

The Bluebirds of Crappiness

by Pa Rock
Farmer in Winter

A couple of days ago I mentioned the two young bluebirds who  were frolicking about in my backyard, apparently doing their aerial mating dance while looking for a place to build their nest.  The lovebirds took a particular interest in my fourteen-year-old Saturn Vue which sits outside on the driveway.  The male bluebird, in particular, enjoyed walking along the top of the passenger door at the base of the window - as well as climbing all over the passenger mirror as he admired his reflection.  During his antics he deposited quite a bit of bluebird poop which streamed down the door and made for a most unsightly vehicle.

Yesterday there was a bit of a break in the chilly weather, so I went to town and drove my old car through the automatic car wash - the one where the driver sits lazily and lets the big car wash machine do all of the work.  Later, back at home, I was disappointed to notice that some of the bird poop remained on the door and mirror, so I went out and rewashed the door and mirror by hand - like I should have done to begin with.  (You are never to old to learn!)

The old Saturn Vue was shining like a new penny!

Then - of course - late this morning when I went out the back door to take my two chickens their brunch, I discovered that the precious little bluebirds had been back - and that they had apparently eaten something which gave them a terrible case of the runs!

Expect to see the following posted on my Twitter feed:

"Hillbilly curmudgeon seeks easy, mouth-watering recipe for bluebirds!"

If you can't beat 'em, eat 'em!

Now where did I put that bucket and sponge?

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