Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Romance of the Dear Leaders Suffers a Setback

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Today's word out of Vietnam is that the world's two grandest Dear Leaders, Kim Jong Un of North Korea and Donald John Trump of the United States, failed to reach any substantive agreements during their "summit" in Hanoi yesterday.  Trump, who announced after the first summit in Singapore, that he and Kim had "fallen in love," has yet to announce any change in their relationship status after the collapse of this week's talks.

Trump is reportedly already in the air and headed home.  If his goal was to score some big points on Kim and wrangle a chance at winning the Nobel Peace Prize, he failed miserably.  But, if as many believe, the entire purpose of the trip was to draw attention away from Michael Cohen's testimony before Congress, well . .  . mission accomplished!

But even while Trump's futile efforts in bargaining with Kim Jong Un in Hanoi did provide an interesting counter-point to his former lawyer's remarks, the headlines generated by Cohen far surpassed those that Trump stirred on the world stage.  In fact, many of the news sources were so focused on the rich dirt that Cohen was dishing about Trump, that the "summit" in Vietnam was relegated to a secondary, or below-the-fold, status.  Add to that the embarrassment of the failure of the talks with the North Korean leader, and the result was definitely not the stuff that goes into winning an international peace prize.

But at least Trump managed to be out of town when Michael Cohen's stuff hit the fan!

Perhaps for their next summit the Dear Leaders could set a few achievable goals - like swapping tips on hair care or which clothes have a "slenderizing" effect.  They might even talk about putting a Trump Tower in Pyongyang and plot how to get their mutual buddy, Vlad Putin, to pay for it.  After all, there should be a way to profit off of world peace!

And "promise" rings might be a nice gesture!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

Consistent with Donald J. Trump's denigration of the office of President officials in Oslo report that the nomination for the Fraudster-in-Chief was, AGAIN, forged. The matter is in the capable hands of Inspector Rune Skjold, the head of the economic crimes section of the Oslo police. The Oslo police have contacted the F.B.I.

Trump's nomination last year was the first forged Nobel Peace Prize nomination for Trump who covets every aspect of Barrack Obama except for skin pigment.