Sunday, July 26, 2015

One, Two, and the Cat Flew!

by Pa Rock
Farmer in Summer

I have tried twice now to adopt a cat into my little farm family, and both times appear to have been failures.   Tim brought down a small calico kitten, Ado Annie, from the Kansas City area a couple of months ago.  Annie was around for two weeks before she disappeared.  She had made friends with Rosie and Thor, so I had great hopes for her survival and acceptance into farm life.

My niece, Tiffany, lives in an apartment in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and has had a grown indoor cat for sometime.  That cat did not do well with Tiffany's children, and she eventually brought home a puppy which did play well with the kids.  The cat, Boca, was not happy sharing her apartment with a dog, and  she needed a new home.  Since she had lived outside before Tiffany adopted her, we decided to try Boca at Rock's Roost - as a barn cat.

Yesterday my sister Gail, along with Tiffany and Boca, made the three-plus hour trip from Fayetteville to West Plains.  As Tiffany was carrying Boca in her traveling cage to the barn, the bottom fell out of the cage, and the startled cat, who was already upset by the appearance of my dogs, ran for cover under the car.  Then, as Rosie and Thor bounded up to her expecting to play, poor Boca took off across the yard and up a tree.   Try as we might, and even with the involvement of a long extension ladder, the cat  only responded by climbing even higher up the tree.  Last evening I put out food and water at the base of the tree.  When I came out later, just at dark, the food was gone and so was some of the water, and she no longer appeared to be in the tree.  Of course, out here in the country, any one of dozens of creatures could have stopped by and dined on the cat's dinner.

This morning, still no Boca.

Tiffany is quite worried about her kitty, and I am harboring hopes that the cat will eventually brave big, loud Thor and make its way to the house.

We'll just have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, bring me no cats!  I've gotten the message!

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