Thursday, April 14, 2011

Up and Down the Road We Go

by Pa Rock
Road Warrior

It has been a busy day on the island of Okinawa.  I headed to Kadena early where I was first in line when Community Bank (a subsidiary of the non-tax-paying Bank of America) opened its doors.  There I purchased two certified checks, one made out to the "Arizona Department of Revenue" and the other to the "United States Treasury."  Then I motored over to the local US Post Office (PSC 80) where I mailed those checks  out to their intended recipients.

The amount was not insignificant - a total somewhere north of four grand - but hey, it warms my old cockles to know that Governor Jan Brewer and the racist crackers in the Arizona legislature can now buy themselves some quality white sheets - with king-sized ones for State Senate President Russell Pearce and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.  I also sent the Feds enough to fund the health care benefits of at least two teabagger Congressmen for a couple of months.  (They got elected so they could get theirs - Allah love them!)

(Speaking of flabby-ass Arpaio, there is a gay romance coming to light in the Valley of Hell  that probably has old Joe's jowls a-joggling!   Some steamy emails between two of Joe's boys - one a former prominent deputy who retired and came back to work for Joe as a civilian, and the other a current prominent deputy - have inadvertently landed in the public domain .  For the salacious details, slip on over to

My next stop was at the off-base home of a massage therapist who came highly recommended by several friends.  I haven't had a real massage in years, but I scheduled one for today, my alternate Friday off, because my shoulder and arm continue to hurt.  It was a good experience, and I have booked a follow-up for two weeks from today.

Feeling relaxed after a little more than an hour on the massage table, I headed out to a local Quick Stop where I paid my electric bill (3,100 yen), and then stopped by a friend's house to see if he wanted to go to the Base Exchange for lunch - but he wasn't home, so I went back onto base alone.

I tried to pay a bill at the base clinic, but there was no one in to take my money - a situation that is extremely common.  Re-pocketing my medical money, I headed to the BX where I dined on some really bad Chinese food.  Walking out of the BX after lunch, I came by the new shop of the Turkish gentlemen who sold me some rugs last fall.  They are back peddling a variety of things in addition to their oriental rugs - including a variety of beautiful chess sets, Meerschaum pipes, jewelry, and puzzle boxes.  I ended up buying a chess set with pieces that appear to be Balkan (they also had Greek, Roman, British, Egyptian, and some of the Ottoman Empire).  Over the course of a few short months these guys have gotten me for enough coin to put a significant dent in the Turkish national debt!  But what the hell - I got another mighty fine toy!

And now I am home and had lunch.  Nap time!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

The important thing is that we keep lowering the tax rate for the rich. Stop Complaining. Afterall it is the rich that will save us from liberal economic ideas.