Monday, November 14, 2022

Jason Smith Imagines - or Hallucinates - a Mandate from the Voters

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

I don't know what my forty-two-year-old bachelor congressman, Jason Smith, has been smoking, but it must be primo stuff.  In his latest weekly email newsletter Republican Smith tried to paint last week's miserable GOP performance at the polls as some sort of populist uprising and mandate against the spending policies of the Biden administration, something he mischaracterizes as Democrats "giving welfare to the wealthy and financing their woke agenda."

Smith's newsletter talks about "Democrat" control of government being over because a Republican House of Representatives will take charge on January 3rd, and "hit the ground running" as it moves to "get the country back on track" - never mind that votes are still being counted and, as of this point at least, it is still  unclear as to which party will control the House.  

The "reality" of the political situation in the United States of America is this:  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will still be in charge of the executive branch of the federal government, the Senate will remain under the control of the Democratic Party, and the control of the House of Representatives could go to either party, but - if the GOP gains control - a new Republican Speaker of the House will be hobbled by a dozen or so right-wing extremists within his party who believe that their radical ideas are somehow representative of mainstream America.  The Republicans may wield the gavel, but getting anything done will require strong and decisive leadership, and in that department they are sorely lacking.

Here's some more "reality" for you, Jason.  We have just gone through a mid-term election where the party not controlling the presidency - that would be your party - would normally pick up many seats in the House and Senate.  That did not happen.  The GOP lost the Senate - again - and will probably have one senator less than they did prior to the election, and if your party gains control of the House it will likely be by less than half-a-dozen seats when, by political tradition, it should have won by at least forty!

The mid-term election of 2022 was an embarrassing failure for the Republican Party, and it may not get better anytime soon because tomorrow Donald John Trump, the man who caused that failure by promoting a raft of bad and marginal candidates for office, is threatening to announce another run for President!

What do you - and your friends at Fox - think about continuing to be stuck with Trump as the face and voice of the Republican Party, Jason?   Be honest.

(And America, if Jason Smith "hits the ground running,"  jump back and avert your eyes.  It won't be pretty!)

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