Saturday, November 26, 2022

Biden Zeroes in on Assault Weapons

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Hey America, Joe Biden is coming for your AR-15s and those thirty-round clips - and it's about damned time!

Joe didn't actually get specific about AR-15's, the killing weapon of choice for most of the angry young men who go on shooting rampages in America, but he did say that he would be happy to sign a law banning high-powered guns that have the capacity to kill many people very quickly - semi-automatic rifles and pistols that are commonly referred to as "assault weapons."

After a pair of mass shootings this week, one at a gay club in Colorado in which five were killed and eighteen injured, and another shooting at a Walmart in Virginia where seven died - including the gunman, Joe Biden spoke out rather plainly:

"The idea we still allow semi-automatic weapons to be purchased is sick.  Just sick.  I'm going to try to get rid of assault weapons."

Joe had a string of political victories with slim Democratic majorities in the House and Senate during the last Congress.  Can he squeeze through one more significant win before the House switches to a very thin Republican majority in January?  

Time will tell, but those who believe that Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are already yesterday's news may be forced to endure one more big headline.

Time will tell.

It ain't over 'til it's over!

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