Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Politicians Reveal Their True Selves

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Two Republican politicians have made statements recently that they both undoubtedly wish they could expunge from the public record.  

Mary Miller is a first-term House member from Illinois and a right-wing extremist.  Congresswoman Miller is currently involved in a primary battle with a five-term Republican incumbent, and by being part of the kooky right fringe, she has earned an endorsement from Donald Trump.  This past Saturday night Miller was on stage with Trump at an Illinois county fair where she was attempting to thank Trump for appointing the conservative Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v Wade.  In her gushing tribute to Trump and his minions on the Court she said more than she probably intended.   Congresswoman Miller called the Supreme Court's action a "historic victory for white life."

Miller let her jaw-dropping gaffe stand as stated for a couple of days, trying to blame the media for making it into news, but an aide finally rose to her defense and said that his boss had "misspoke."

(Republicans tend to "misspeak" a lot,   The term was bandied about almost daily during the Nixon administration!)

The Illinois congresswoman had been in office less than a month back in early 2021 when her mouth outpaced her brain with another memorable comment.  She was speaking to a group of Republican women and talking about the importance of indoctrinating young people into Republican politics when she brought up Adolf Hitler.  She told the GOP women:

"Each generation has a responsibility to teach and train the next generation.  You know, if we win a few elections, we're still going to be losing unless we win the hearts and minds of our children.   This is the battle.  Hitler was right on one thing.  He said, 'Whoever has the youth has the future.'"

So sayeth Congresswoman Miller.  Sieg heil, Baby, sieg heil!

In another stunning political admission, Arkansas GOP gubernatorial candidate, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, made a ludicrous remark while on the campaign trail on May 25, 2022, just one day after the deadly mass shooting at Uvalde, Texas - a remark that is just now exploding across social media.  Ms. Huckabee Sanders, who used to be Trump's press secretary and whose daddy was once a governor of Arkansas, was speaking of her opposition to abortion rights when she said:

"We will make sure that when a kid is in the womb, they're as safe as they are in a classroom, the workplace, a nursing home.  Because every stage of life has value.  No one is greater than the other."

Huckabee Sanders portrayal of the classroom as a safe place brought some angry rebuttals from family members of school shooting victims, and because she made those remarks one day after the Uvalde massacre forced some to conclude that the Arkansas politician was, at best, not very bright - and, at worst, insensitive to the very real concerns and fears of American families.

Congresswoman Miller and Ms. Huckabee Sanders are both politicians who cultivate power by dividing people into less powerful groups.  That is the way their party has operated for the past fifty years.  But they need to quit sampling the GOP kool-aid and take a serious look at the world around them.  There is no superior race, and a senseless proliferation of guns in the United States has turned classrooms and workplaces into shooting galleries.  People who aspire to be our leaders need to move away from self-aggrandizement and divisive political tactics, and instead focus on things that will propel us into the future and advance civilization - things like the struggles for equality, universal education,  ballot access, ending homelessness and hunger, and the removal of weapons of war from society.  

The future is inclusion, making society cohesive instead of tearing it apart.  That is where civilization is ultimately headed, and people like Mary Miller and Sarah Huckabee Sanders are just distractions along the way that we must step around.

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

The Blues Brothers nailed it.
Illinois Nazis.

I hate Illinois Nazis.