Thursday, June 30, 2022

America is Far Better than Trump

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The House Select Committee on the Events of January 6th, 2021, has met six times publicly over the past few weeks, and I have managed to find myself in front of a television on just two of those occasions, the first with the horrendous footage of the actual assault on the Capitol by the deranged hordes of hillbillies who were spurred on by a couple of domestic terrorist organizations, right-wing pundits, and self-serving politicians including Trump - and the most recent meeting in which a young lady who worked as a White House aid just down the hall from the Oval Office gave a wealth of first-and-second-hand accounts of Trump's unhinged behavior on the day of the assault on the Capitol.  Both were absolutely astonishing portrayals of the scandalous history that was being made in Washington, DC, on the day of the attempted overthrow of the US government by people who thought of themselves as fierce patriots.

As a loyal American who is committed to preserving and defending democracy, I should be watching all of the scheduled hearings.  I know that.  But just those two were almost more than I could bear.

Two days ago I managed to sit down for lunch just minutes after noon as the much-touted "special" session was just starting - so I tuned in.   To say that the testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson, the aid to former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, was riveting and mesmerizing would not capture the complete effect.  I found myself becoming so wrapped up in what the young woman had to say, particularly on Trump's personal behavior that day, that it took the better part of two hours to consume the sandwich that I had prepared for lunch.

Donald Trump is such an outrageous character that everyone seems to have a sense of who he is - although different people see the same public persona and still perceive him quite differently.  My own perception of Trump as an oaf and a megalomaniac have been in place for several years, and Ms. Hutchinson's testimony on Tuesday only served to strengthen my disdain for the man.

Ms. Hutchinson's second-hand reporting of Trump in the Secret Service SUV (and not the official presidential limo, "the Beast") as he tried to grab the steering wheel in an attempt to have them take him to the Capitol instead of back to the safety of the White House, and him trying to grab or strike a secret service agent, sounded just like the angry and petulant Trump who has been alluded to in news accounts over the past five years.  His fits of impotent rage would be laugh-out-loud funny if he had not had so much deadly power at his ready command.

And the same goes for the incident where Ms. Hutchinson entered the White House dining room in the West Wing and found the catsup stains on the wall and the broken porcelain dish where an angry Trump had just moments before thrown his plate of food against the wall.  That's not presidential, in fact, considering the situation and the location, it is not even childish theatre, it's insane behavior.

Donald Trump of January of 2021, as fleshed out by the awesome work of the January 6th committee, was a deranged clown who had nuclear capabilities and a following of millions, some of whom were just as mentally.unstable as their leader.   He encouraged his followers to march on the Capitol and was angry that his secret service detail would not drive him to the Capitol to join with protestors - some of whom he knew were armed - and some of whom he knew were calling for the execution of his vice-president.  And when he didn't get his way, he reacted like a child, lashing out at the adults in the room and breaking his toys.

What in the hell is wrong with a nation that chooses a man like that as its leader?   America is far better than Donald John Trump.

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