Monday, February 28, 2022

Romney Critical of 'Morons' on his Team

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Last week two sitting GOP members of Congress spoke at a white nationalist gathering in Florida, and yesterday a former GOP Presidential candidate and current US Senator referred to them as 'morons' on national television.

The white nationalist gathering, also known as the America First Political Action Conference, was being held in Orlando, Florida, in close proximity to the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), thus allowing those with a desire to do so, the opportunity to scoot back-and-forth between the two events.  Two well known Republican congressional representatives even went so far as to speak at the white nationalist event.

Congressman Paul Gosar of Arizona and Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia spoke to the America First group earlier in the week and then later took heat from the press and the public regarding their appearances before the white nationalist organization.  Many politicians within the leadership of the Republican Party were also clearly not happy with the actions of the two outspoken members of Congress who are often at odds with their party leadership.

Ronna McDaniel, the chair of the national Republican Party, noted coldly that "White supremacy, neo-Nazism, hate speech, and bigotry are disgusting and do not have a home in the Republican Party."   McDaniel, who used to go by the moniker "Ronna Romney McDaniel" until Trump pressured her to drop the "Romney," is a niece to Utah  GOP Senator Mitt Romney and a granddaughter to former Michigan GOP Governor George Romney.

And while Ronna was clearly unhappy with a pair of well known Republicans like Gosar and Greene making nice with the lunatic fringe of the conservative movement, she did manage to remain more tactful than Uncle Mitt.   When the Republican US Senator from Utah was questioned about Gosar and Greene by reporter Dana Bash on CNN's State of the Union, and he replied:

"I'm reminded of that old line from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid movie.  One character says 'Morons.  I've got morons on my team.'  I have to think that anybody who would sit down with white nationalists and would speak at their conference was certainly missing a few IQ points."

A few indeed!

Senator Romney went on to describe white nationalists are "repugnant," and to state that there is no place in either political party for white nationalism or racism.  He added, "It is simply wrong."

(White nationalism has not been a problem in the Democratic Party since Strom Thurmond switched to the Republican brand back in 1964 out of opposition to the Civil Rights Act and so that he could support Barry Goldwater for President.)

As of this weekend there have been renewed calls for Congress to censure both Gosar and Greene.  That is unlikely to happen, and House Speaker Wannabe, Kevin McCarthy, seems to be waving promises of a leadership position in a future Republican-controlled House to Marjorie Taylor Greene in return for her support of his bid to become Speaker.

There is an old adage that would seem applicable here:  "Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas."  Much of today's Republican Party seems to be in need of a good flea dip!

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