Saturday, March 20, 2021

Greene Wants to be Noticed

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Freshman US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is an attention-hound who constantly fights to be noticed -  but when the cameras turn her way she quickly assumes the pose of a victim.

This has been a red-letter week for the backwoods, gun-toting, conspiracy-spouting Georgia politician.  On Monday Guam's non-voting Representative to Congress stopped by her office - along with a uniformed contingent of the Guam National Guard - to drop off cookies and a tourist brochure, and even though Greene was out, she returned later and quickly began cranking out letters complaining about the military being used to "intimidate" her.

(That's the same Marjorie Taylor Greene who had posted a video of herself on social media stalking and harassing college student David Hogg, a survivor of the Parkland High School massacre.   Greene has a history of promoting conspiracies alleging that some of the nation's mass shootings - including Parkland - were fake or staged productions.)

On Tuesday Greene fired off letters to the Secretary of Defense and the head of the National Guard to complain about the use of American military in partisan political matters.  And nowhere - nowhere - was there a single word of thanks for the cookies!

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy rushed to Greene's defense labeling the Guamanian cookie delivery a "political stunt."   That was presumably not long after McCarthy had unpacked from his own political stunt trip to the US southern border to pose indignantly for the press cameras.

Later in the same week a fellow representative, Jimmy Gomez of California, introduced a motion to expel Ms. Greene from Congress due to what he perceived as threats from her toward Democratic members of Congress based on her "liking" and "sharing" posts on social media that promoted violence against Democrats.  Gomez had seventy-two co-sponsors signed onto his bill to expel Greene from Congress, but Speaker Pelosi has already torpedoed his effort saying the Democratic leadership would not support the measure.  (It would take a vote of two-thirds of the House to expel a member of Congress - which, in addition to all Democrats would also require somewhere north of seventy Republicans voting to remove the member as well - an unlikely eventuality.)

But Marjorie Taylor Greene doesn't get bogged down in things like vote counts and the minutiae of governance,  She is just serving to make a spectacle of herself and to get noticed. She is undoubtedly focused on bigger and better things than just  being in Congress. With the right sort of luck and a boost from Fox News she might hit the big time and score a spot as Matt Gatez's Secretary of Defense.

Or maybe even his running mate!

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