Sunday, March 14, 2021

Back to Missouri

by Pa Rock
Road Warrior

Rosie and I are safely back home following another long day on the road.  Friday, as we headed to Kansas City, we drove through about 200 miles of hard rain, but on today's return trip we only had to suffer through about 90 miles of rain - though some of that was in Kansas City itself.  We made a few stops on the way home - and always in dry weather, which was nice.  We pulled in at the Osceola Cheese Store and bought some cheeses for my good neighbor Rex and his wife.  It was a 'thank you' because Rex had come by on his tractor during the big snow and cleared my driveway.  

A lady working at the Cheese Store told me as I walked in that they are now selling wine and had free samples.  I told her that it was too early (about 10:00 a.m.) - and walked away whistling "Never on Sunday."   I don't know if the Amish own that store or not, but it is definitely an Amish-centric business - so I thought the addition of wine to the inventory was interesting - and especially the free samples!

Other observations:  There is a homeless encampment in a park right next to the shops of Westport in Kansas City.  It looks as though a group of people are living under a large blue tarp.  When we pulled up in front of the half-price bookstore in Westport, we parked next to a nice car (nice by my standards) whose backseat and front passenger seat were completely full of trash - up to the car's ceiling.  (It reminded me of a mobile home that I visited once as a social worker.  That place had at least four feet of trash wall to wall, with a trail leading from the front door to a couch in front of the television.   Another time I was called in investigate a situation in a mobile home that was inhabited by a family and their kennel of eighty dogs!  There is a sub-sub-culture of poverty in rural America that is beyond the comprehension of most Americans - and certainly below the radar of our political leaders of both parties.)

They're tearing down the Macy's that used to sit as an independent building out close to the neighborhood where my son lives.  My understanding is that the company is closing stores nationwide.  (I hope they don't sell the Thanksgiving Day Parade to Walmart!). According to two large billboards that I happened to notice, Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede in Branson has been renamed Dolly Parton's Stampede.  I've never been, but I understand that it's a great place to watch people do acrobatics on running horses  - or ride racing ostriches - all while you are enjoying a nice meal!

(I fought an ostrich once.  I didn't want to fight, but he did - and he ripped my shirt right off with his large toe and claw!  After that whenever I went out to feed, I took along a garbage can lid that I used like a Roman shield.  Emus are sweet and docile - ostriches are not!)

The trip is over, and other than the time changing while I was gone there is nothing else to report.  The bird feeders are empty and the red birds seem to be preparing to protest en masse, so that it the next item on my agenda - and then I will come back inside and put away all of the booty from Costco!

Hasta mañana!

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