Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Snow Still Blows

by Pa Rock
Farmer in Winter

Yesterday my son dug snow from around the car so that he could get me to a medical appointment in the morning.  It wasn't a critical appointment, but the doctor had come to work, so I felt like his patient should, too.  I was almost completely out of bird feed - sunflower seeds - so Nick went to the feed store while I was in the doctor's office.  After we got home from that trek of several miles through the snow - most of the roads still were snow covered - I was sitting by the front room window typing and watching the birds gather at the feeders when my good neighbor, Rex, suddenly pulled into my drive on his tractor and proceeded to plow the driveway!  It looked great by the time Rex left and headed on down the road to take care of the rest of his friends.

And then last night, of course, it snowed another couple of inches and is still snowing as the clock edges toward noon today.  The driveway is once again white, the bird feeders need attention, and the cats are hunkered down in the chicken coop - in the part that didn't collapse from the snowfall - waiting on someone to bring them their breakfast - which will now be more of a brunch or lunch than the predawn breakfast they used to enjoy.

This is Wednesday.  Two days from now - Friday - is the day that me and 2,800 others are scheduled to be at the Civic Center for our second COVID shot.  I'm not worried about getting there, not yet anyway, because I will figure something out.  But I am worried that the massive staff required to make the inoculation clinic work will not be able to get there and get set up - and then what???

But on the positive side, power is still on throughout my community and my house is warm - and the cupboards are stocked.  

May every Texan soon be enjoying the warmth and comfort that so many of us take for granted.

Winter can be beautiful - and also deadly - and the snow still blows!

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