Sunday, February 21, 2021

Rush Limbaugh was No Saint - Regardless of What Jason Smith Says!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

My congressman, Republican Jason Smith of Missouri's 8th congressional district, sent out his weekly email newsletter this morning, and it was centered on the congressman's thoughts regarding Rush Limbaugh, a controversial radio figure who died from lung cancer earlier in the week.  Smith was full of high praise for the conservative loudmouth, which, considering Rush was born in this congressional district, is undoubtedly good politics.  But, from an honesty perspective, Smith's words rang hollow.

Here are the first few paragraphs of my congressman's false praise of Limbaugh:

"Missouri has lost one of its favorite sons, and the country has lost a hero. For over three decades, Rush Limbaugh inspired millions of people and was a leader of the conservative movement. He guided generations of us towards a deeper love of America and enduring respect for the Constitution and the liberties and freedoms we enjoy.

“With talent on loan from God,” as he used to say, Rush was able to cut through the spin and propaganda to provide clarity in a complicated world unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Even though he may no longer be with us, his presence and influence will continue well into the future.

"Rush didn’t use his powerful platform to court and bend to the elites. Rather he used it to stand up for the little guy and the forgotten men and women in communities all across our country. He was a voice of the working class who never forgot where he came from, no matter how big he got."

(Included with the piece was a photograph of Rush taken at last year's State of the Union address in which Trump cheapened the Presidential Medal of Freedom by awarding one to Limbaugh.  In the photo Rush was smiling like a fine Missouri hog as he stood between his fourth wife and Trump's third.  God love GOP family values!)

Congressman Smith's remarks were, of course, nonsense.  It's hard to equate a love of the Constitution and "liberties" with Rush's history of celebrating the deaths of gay men from AIDS, or his sexist attacks on women whose politics he disliked.  Limbaugh spent his entire radio career promoting hate and division across American society, and it is little wonder that he was held in such high esteem by people like Donald Trump.

Congressman Smith was also using his newsletter to remind his constituents of just how important he (Smith) is.  He talked about meeting Rush at the ceremony where he (Limbaugh) was honored with a bronze bust of his large head being unveiled at the state capitol in the exhibit of famous Missourians, and he talked about watching Rush introduce Trump in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Rush's hometown - and a part of Smith's rural district.

And then, of course, Smith also wanted to make sure that his constituents knew that he, too, was at the State of the Union address where Trump's wife hung the Medal of Freedom on the bloated bigot.

Good work, Jason.  Now that you've proven you can write fiction while patting yourself on the back, why not get to work and see if you can pump some economic and educational opportunities into your district - and maybe some of that infrastructure stuff, too - like better roads, bridges, and reliable internet access.  Rush Limbaugh did not do anything for Missouri, but you, Sir, could if you were of a mind too.

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