Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Hawley Continues to Make an Ass of Himself

by Pa Rock
Missouri Voter

Missouri's junior United States senator, Josh Hawley, the man who posed for that iconic and Hitleresque photo with his fist raised in front of the US Capitol and helped to incite the rabble who later that same day stormed the Capitol, seems hellbent on burnishing his national reputation as a bonafide jackass.

Yesterday morning when the Senate voted to confirm Pete Buttigieg as Secretary of Transportation, Hawley officially became to only United States senator to have voted "no" on all five Biden cabinet nominations that have been approved so far.  Then later in the day when the Senate voted to confirm Alejandro Mayorkas as the Secretary of Homeland Security, Hawley extended his string of negative votes on Biden cabinet appointees to six.

Hawley was one of only two senators to vote against Lloyd Austin's nomination to be Secretary of Defense, the first black person to ever hold that position.  The other senator to vote against Austin was Mike Lee of Utah, a man who until recently was primarily known for being Ted Cruz's reliable right hand.

Missouri's senior senator, Roy Blunt, a Republican, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, also a Republican, have each voted to approve five of the six confirmed Biden cabinet secretaries.  (They both opposed Alejandro Mayorkas for Secretary of Homeland Security, but gave their bipartisan support to the rest of Team Biden.)

Hawley's mother, and perhaps his wife, must be so proud of his irrational obstinance, but much of the rest of his state and nation are quickly growing tired of the unrelenting grandstanding and self-serving maneuverings of a politician whose only focus seems to be on building a national constituency so that he can run for president.

Give the self-pleasuring and ego-stroking a rest, Josh - before they start to affect your eyesight!

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