Sunday, February 7, 2021

Champ and Major Make the People's House a Home!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist 

After four very long years of being occupied by a reality freak show, our nation's White House is finally home once again to a genuine American family.   Joe and Jill have unpacked and are at home, and so are their "rescue" German Shepherds, Champ and Major.  The two big dogs apparently have the run of the place, both inside and out,

The GOP and Fox News have so far let the White House dogs alone, and at some point they will undoubtedly manufacture some outrage focused on the canine inhabitants of the People's House.   But even at their most playful worst, Champ and Major pose less of a risk to the art, antiques, and dignity of the White House than Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent did the night they roamed and romped around the place unleashed as Trump's guests.

Most US Presidents have had dogs as pets.  That tradition goes all the way back to our first President - George Washington - who was actually a dog breeder.  Washington, ever the aristocrat, was involved in developing a strain of fox hounds.  The White House was under construction during Washington's tenure as President, and he never actually lived there.  His successor, John Adams, was the first President to reside in the White House.  Adams' wife, Abigail, had a pair of dogs which she moved into her new big and drafty home.  Their names were Juno and Satan.

Not every subsequent President was dog friendly, but most have been.  Abraham Lincoln, whose two youngest sons were full-time residents of the White House during Lincoln's presidency,  had several dogs, but his favorite seems to have been a mutt named Fido.  Lincoln supposedly cautioned the White House staff that they were not to  lecture Fido over his wet or muddy paws, and that if he scratched at the door he was to be let in.   Several months after Lincoln's assassination, Fido met the same fate as his master when he was assassinated by a drunk wielding a knife.

In modern times all presidents have been dog owners, with two exceptions. Even though Harry and Bess Truman desired to live a pet-free existence, they were given two dogs while in residence at the White House, and Harry caused a bit of a public outcry when he quickly gave both away, stating rather saltily that he did not ask for them and did not want them.

The other White House occupant to live a pet-free existence was, of course, Donald Trump.  Trump apparently does not like dogs, and many suspect that dogs do not like him either.

But those dog-less days of Trump are now history, and the present belongs to the Biden's, and to Champ and Major - important members of the First Family.

Rosie and I bid Champ and Major welcome, and we hope they have many wonderful adventures as they play - and romp - and  snoop - and chase - and fetch - and make the People's House a truly wonderful home!

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