Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Trump to Deport Sick Kids

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

It was announced yesterday that the Trump administration has ended a policy that allowed children who were receiving life-saving medical treatment to remain in the United States for limited periods of time.    Letters have gone out informing those kids and their families that they have just over one month to leave the United States or they will face deportation.

The children had been allowed to stay for up to two years under a program of “medical deferred action” if they could demonstrate extreme medical need.   Many were receiving treatment for cancer, HIV, cystic fibrosis, and other life-threatening maladies. Critics of this latest action against children by the Trump administration fear that the youngsters being forced to leave the country have, in essence, been given death sentences.

The irony is rich, and, in this case, deadly.

On the one hand the Trump administration is declaring that it can keep children and families in its concentration camps at the border for indefinite periods of time.    But on the other hand, if immigrant children have life-threatening illnesses and could benefit from U.S. medical care, the game shifts to getting them out of the country as quickly as possible.

Healthy children are locked in cages without access to hygiene products and basic health precautions like flu shots, and children who are ill are sent back to third-world countries where they are likely to languish and die without modern medicine.

Those with the least power are certainly receiving the least justice.

The United States of America used to be a far better place than it is today - and the difference is Donald John Trump.

1 comment:

Xobekim said...