Tuesday, August 27, 2019

To the Moon, Donnie!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Move over Stallone!  Stand down Jean Claude Van Damme!   Back off Steven Seagal!  Donald John Trump is in the White House – and it just doesn’t get any more heroic than that.  Trump, a man of bold action, is flexing his big brain muscle in ways that all of you celluloid posers never even thought about.  

Yes, Bruce Willis may have saved the planet by blowing up an asteroid, but did he ever consider nuking a hurricane?  Not likely! And Harrison Ford may have danced his way across a darkened room full of snakes – and rescued a pretty girl in the process – but did he ever try to bully his way into a real estate deal the size of Greenland?  I think not!  And Nick Cage may have battled a plane loaded with hardened criminals, but DJT has put lots and lots of families in cages – and kept them there!

Trump’s raging brilliance and boldness has brought the United States to the attention of the rest of the world in ways our previous leaders would have never dared to imagine, let alone pursue.   And while Trump may not have made America great again, he has managed to make it a world-class punch line – and sell a lot of Chinese ball caps in the process!

And if Trump wants to rent rooms in one of his overpriced, bed-bug infested hotels to world leaders for the next G-7 conference, well, is that really any of our business?  Donald Trump has a really big brain, and he knows what’s best for us and for the world.

Trump is a man of bold action!

(Donnie, have you ever wondered how far you personally could hit a golf ball on the moon?  As president, you could make that happen.  Think about it!)

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

Trump's lunacy could have him imagining TRUMP LUNAR his personal Mara-La-Go-in Space. A resort where all of his employees are aliens!