Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Fantasy Island Redux

by Pa Rock
Conspiracy Theorist

On March 18, 2009, over a decade ago, I used this space to post a conspiracy theory which I felt had some merit.   That posting, “Ken Lay is Alive . . . and so is Dan White!”,  has always been one of my personal favorites.

Ken Lay, the founder, CEO, and Chairman of Enron, an energy corporation, had been convicted of securities fraud after the collapse of his company – and he was awaiting sentencing when he suddenly “died” at his vacation home in Aspen, Colorado, in July of 2006.  His wife managed to get the body to a funeral home for what seemed to be a relatively quick cremation.  Lay’s death put a stop to the sentencing process, and the family was able to retain assets that it could have lost through court action if the sentence had been announced.

Mr. Lay’s untimely demise was interpreted by some as being a stroke of good fortune for his family.

Dan White was a young supervisor for the city of San Francisco in November of 1978 when he murdered fellow supervisor, Harvey Milk – a gay leader in the city - and San Francisco Mayor George Moscone.  A third city supervisor, Dianne Feinstein, was in her office nearby and heard the shots.  White, a former San Francisco policeman, received open support from members of the San Francisco Police Department during his trial.  His attorneys used what became known as a “Twinkie Defense” which claimed his mental abilities had been impaired from eating too much junk food.  White was sentenced to just seven years in prison for the murders, and was released in 1984 after serving only five years.

Upon his release from prison,  White was forced to assume a false identity due to death threats.  The following year, 1985, he was reported to have committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning in his garage.  San Francisco police managed the scene and handled the aftermath.

Both Ken Lay and Dan White stood to gain by being declared dead.    Lay’s family got to keep some of the assets that should have gone to the investors and employees who lost their life savings with the crash of Enron, and Lay escaped having to serve prison time.  (His business associate, Jeffrey Skilling, was just released from prison last year after serving twelve years for the Enron debacle.)  And a dead Dan White could finally quit looking over his shoulder in fear of someone trying to even the score for the two men he murdered.

And now we have the strange death of billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who died by hanging in a federal jail cell in New York City last week.  Epstein, who reportedly trafficked young girls for prostitution to a wide range of prominent and famous people, was likely facing incarceration for the rest of his life.  Add to that the fact that he undoubtedly had much in the way of information that he could provide to prosecutors that would clog the courts for years to come with cases against American and foreign aristocracy, and a case develops for the possibility that he was either murdered in his cell, or spirited away to some sanctuary in the South Seas – perhaps with other celebrities on the run – people like Ken Lay and Dan White.

Epstein, like Ken Lay and Dan White, stood to benefit from being declared dead and then disappearing.  Yes, lots of prominent individuals, including two United States Presidents, should breath easier now that he is gone, but he could have always left some information “bombs” behind to even the score in the event of his murder.  But if he has been placed in hiding, what Epstein knows is far more likely to stay with Epstein.

That’s my conspiracy theory – and I’m sticking to it!   Ken Lay is alive . . . and so is Dan White . . .and so is Jeffrey Epstein.  Lay owns the island and wears the big Panama hat, White is in charge of security and tending bar, and Epstein is handling customer relations – and the clientele is very, very exclusive!

De plane!  De plane!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

My mind returns to years ago and more horrid times, if that is possible. I remember when the proof of death required the corpse to be laid out in a public venue, photographed, and subject to the inspection of the public. As I recall this practice still happens when the Bishop of Rome expires; it persists even through odoriferous exhibitions.

In a less ghastly scenario it may be the reason the embalmed bodies of the dearly beloved are staged in their caskets at funeral homes. Years before that the loved one was often taken to the home of their best friend for viewing.

So these quick disposals give rise, I think, to doubts in many of our minds; questions that the youngsters dismiss as zombies.