Thursday, June 13, 2019

Playing to a Child's Ego

by Pa Rock
Citizen journalist

If the leader of a country is a blowhard narcissist who loves nothing more than seeing his own name on things, what better way would there be for a foreign government to suck up to the blowhard than to put his name on something - something big and solid like a military base or a whole damned city?  And that, of course, is what's happening as certain ambitious world leaders begin to shamefully play to Donald Trump's ego.

Last winter Andrzej Duda, the president of Poland, tried to entice the United States into building a military base in Poland, somewhere along the Russian Front - and to make sure that the U.S. heard his overture, Duda suggested that the new base would be named Fort Trump.    And while the U.S. military did not rush to endorse the plan, Donald Trump himself suddenly seemed to see some merit  in having a military base along Poland's border with Russia.  Of course he did.   If there is one thing more important to Donald Trump than the actual defense of the United States or the free world, it is getting his name on things.

And now Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, a man who has built his current political career on interfering in United States politics, is proposing that Israel name a new settlement in the Golan Heights as "Trump Heights," or, worse yet "President Trump Heights."  Trump broke a half-century U.S policy precedent last March by recognizing the Golan Heights, an area seized by Israel in the 1960's, as an official part of Israel - and presidential son-in-law and butt-kisser Jared Kushner rushed to Israel to present Netanyahu with a new State Department map that officially shows the Golan Heights as part of Israel.  What better way to repay Trump than to make sure his family name figures prominently on the next printing of that map!

The United States has a leader who can be bought relatively cheaply, and the rest of the world is quickly beginning to figure that out.  Perhaps the Rio Grande would be more welcoming if it was the Rio Trump, and maybe the space program would be better funded if most of the launches were from Cape Trump.  And maybe Puerto Trumpo could even get adequate hurricane relief.

So many things are possible when you are dealing with a child.

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

This makes me wonder if any third world countries are in need of a massive sewage lagoon. Nothing would be more fitting than the Donald J. Trump Sewage Lagoon, of course it would be huge, in fact the world's hugest sewage lagoon.