Thursday, June 27, 2019

Pa Rock Is Serving Time in the Hospital

by Pa Rock
Psycho Sicko

I have been ill for over a week, suffering from what felt like flu symptoms.   On Monday I finally presented at a walk-in clinic where a doctor I didn't know suggested that I might have a sinus issue.  He gave me an anti-biotic that looked big enough to treat a plow horse, and sent me home.  By yesterday I was feeling a lot worse and managed to get in to see my regular doctor.  After discovering that my blood pressure was quite low, my doctor asked a raft of questions and then announced that I was heading to the hospital.  I have been in the ICU for twenty-four hours now, and will hopefully be moved into a regular room later today.

The hospital has run a variety of tests, but results aren't in yet.  Right now they are operating on an assumption that I have a tick-born illness.  That should be confirmed or rejected later today.

The good news is that I have had a lot of sleep and am feeling better.  Hopefully I will be able to go home tomorrow.

Rosie has sensed all along that I was ill, and I know that she is eager for me to get home so that she can provide me with her special attentions!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

Be well my friend.