Saturday, June 29, 2019

Carter Questions Trump's Legitimacy

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Jimmy Carter, a well-respected former President of the United States, suggested this past week that Donald Trump lacks legitimacy as President because it appears as though Russia helped him win the 2016 election.  Trump, to no one's surprise, ignored the facts of Carter's argument and instead responded with a standard barrage of name-calling and personal attacks on the former President.

And meanwhile, between snipes of vitriol directed toward Jimmy Carter, Trump was busy exchanging toasts and pleasantries at the G-20 Summit with Vlad Putin, the man many see as responsible for Trump's election win in 2016 - and a substantiation - of sorts - of Carter's original point.

Donald Trump seems far more comfortable reclining in the warmth of Putin's largess than he ever has in actually trying to assume a leadership posture in his own country.  It's almost as if he knows where his loyalties and indebtedness lie - and that is essentially what Carter was saying in the first place.

Jimmy Carter feels that the circumstances of the 2016 election need to be investigated - and many of our fellow U.S. citizens agree.  Was that our election - or was it Putin's?  Our country does not need a Trump-themed Fourth of July Parade nearly as much as it needs to know that the President of the United States was legitimately elected and serves with a mandate from the voters.

Thank you, President Carter, for stating the obvious.

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