Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Pride of Kentucky Are Actually Hyenas

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

If Mitch McConnell ever decides to retire from the Senate, or leaves involuntarily wearing a toe-tag, citizens in the Commonwealth of Kentucky should have no problem in replacing him with someone equally as obstinate and mean-spirited.  In fact, they could probably come up with a platoon of despicable candidates just in the city of Covington (pop. 40,000) alone.  If not now, certainly in another dozen years or so when a whole troop of entitled young bastards currently attending the all-male Covington Catholic High School reach an age where they can run for the Senate.

This Friday a large group of young heathen from the parochial all-boys school made asses of themselves and disrespected America's indigenous population when they confronted 64-year-old Nathan Phillips, an Omaha elder who was performing a native ritual at the Lincoln Memorial.  Phillips, a Marine Corps veteran who served in Vietnam, has been involved for years in recognizing the sacrifices that America's native population have made to our country's defense and history.

Mr. Phillips said that he was beating a small drum and singing when he observed the group of high school boys closing in on a gathering of black Israelites who were trying to speak.  The boys began heckling the black speakers and shouting "build that wall, build that wall,"  and Phillips said that when he saw a black man turn and spit at one of the students, he stepped in between them.   He said that he suddenly realized that he was "between the beast and the prey," and at the point the high school boys turned on him and began mocking and disrupting his performance.

The youth, many of whom were wearing MAGA hats and shirts, were cheering each other on. Many in the group were also filming the confrontation with their smart phones.  Soon videos of the event began making their way into social media, and the viewing public proved to be, by and large, not as proud of what happened as the kids themselves had been.

Phillips later lamented:

"When I was there singing, I heard them saying ''Build that wall, build that wall.'  These are indigenous lands.  We're not supposed to have walls here.  We never did."
Ruth Buffalo, a state representative from North Dakota as well as a Native American herself, remarked that she was saddened to see the students disrespect the Marine Corps veteran and Native American elder as he was trying to be heard at a celebration of cultures.

Deb Haaland, a Native American and a congresswoman from New Mexico referred to the student behavior as "blatant hate, disrespect, and intolerance."  She lamented later in a tweet:

"This Veteran put his life on the line for our country.  Heartbreaking."

The students appeared to be part of an organized high school excursion to march at the Right for Life campaign which was occurring nearby.  Most were carrying professionally-printed signs that opposed women's rights to abortions.  All seemed to be enjoying the break from school.

The Kentucky Diocese as well as the Covington Catholic High School seem to be accepting some degree of responsibility for this matter, as well they should. In an effort to increase the number of bodies protesting abortion, they inadvertently created a racial confrontation that damaged all parties involved.  This attempt to use students as muscle for the church's political agenda backfired bigly.

Kentucky's young lions proved to be little more than hyenas!

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