Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Elizabeth Warren Leads in Early Straw Poll

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

With Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and former U.S. HUD Secretary (and Mayor of San Antonio) Julian Castro already establishing "exploratory" committees for a 2020 presidential run, it would appear as though the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination has officially begun.  Yesterday, as an acknowledgment of that political reality, the web site Daily Kos posted its first presidential straw poll of the upcoming election cycle.  That poll listed eight Democratic candidates as well as Donald Trump.

Daily Kos is a left-of-center political site that publishes blog entries and opinion from a wide array of progressive voices.  It's current straw poll is still on line and may be accessed at:  https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/1/7/1824180/-Daily-Kos-Democratic-Straw-Poll-inaugural-edition

This straw poll, Daily Kos's first of the 2020 election cycle, has garnered almost 35,000 votes as of this morning.  The current results have Elizabeth Warren placing first with 7,478 votes or 22% of the total cast.  Former congressman Beto O'Rourke of El Paso is second with 5,209, or 15% of the vote total.    Third place is being held down by California Senator Kamala Harris with 4,688 (14%), and Joe Biden is a very close fourth with 4,608, also 14%.

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont is currently in fifth place with 3,689 votes or 11 percent.  New Jersey Senator Cory Booker is running sixth with 914 votes or 3%, Julian Castro is seventh with 507 votes or 1%, and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, is last - among the listed Democrats - at 495 votes or 1%.

Donald Trump scored a whopping 146 votes among Daily Kos straw poll responders - or roughly 0% of the votes cast.   3,159 voters (9%) said they were "unsure" of their 2020 preference at this time, and 2,942 (9%) indicated that they favored someone other than the candidates listed on this early preferential ballot.

So which "other" candidates failed to make the Daily Kos cut?  Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg seems to have an interest in running, as does Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, entertainment mogul Oprah Winfrey, and former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

The list of Democratic possibilities at this point, in fact, appears to be damn near limitless.   A growing group of individuals feel they have what it takes to defeat Donald Trump and run the country - and Daily Kos is making an early effort to sort them out.

This would be a great opportunity to make your voice heard.

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

This still seems early, and helps explain why the campaign cycle is perpetual in the eyes of many. Back when we were green branches on the tree of life there was a Presidential election in the year of 1968. Lyndon Johnson was the incumbent and presumed nominee of the Democratic Party.

The first signs of the race for the Democratic nomination becoming competitive did not appear in January or February of 1967; the equivalent time for today's race. It was not until the latter part of 1967 that the race became interesting. On November 30, 1967 Senator Eugene McCarthy of Wisconsin entered four presidential primaries.

McCarthy's prime opponent, Robert F. Kennedy, did not enter the fray until March 16, 1968; during the election year. Bobby garnered the tag of being an opportunist for waiting until after LBJ was wounded in the New Hampshire primary. McCarthy lost, but by a slim margin earning 42.2% of the vote to LBJ's 49.4%.

Richard Nixon, on the other hand, began organizing his campaign in January of 1967. In February a Gallup poll showed him leading George Romney as a likely GOP nominee. By the end of March he had pocketed Barry Goldwater's support. But it wasn't until the autumn of '67 that actual campaign headquarters began popping up in states Nixon and his team considered vital to his chance at winning. Nixon formally began his nomination with a speech on February 1, 1968 in New Hampshire.

Of Course Romney was "brainwashed" and Kennedy was murdered. The Chicago Police Department under the control of Mayor Richard Daly rioted against throngs of newly engaged students during the Democratic Convention. Hubert Humphrey, the Happy Warrior, won the booby prize of the Democratic nomination. Nixon colluded with Vietnam to sabotage Humphrey's chances in the Chennault Affair and advanced a lie of having a secret plan to end the war in Vietnam.

History tells us that much can take place in the single year of the campaigns waged to become the President of this nation. For the meantime I am going to keep my powder dry.