Sunday, January 13, 2019

Rudy Plans to Correct the Mueller Report

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Not everyone cares much for former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, but I view the gnarly little gnome as absolutely amazing!  Most people suffering from dementia would crawl into bed, turn on Fox News, and begin the slow process of vegetating their lives away.  But although Rudy undoubtedly watches more than his fair share of Fox, he also manages to hold down a full-time job as Donald Trump's chief legal counsel.  Alzheimer's won't stop Rudy!

Rudy's encroaching dementia seems to play out across Trump's legal troubles in interesting and colorful ways.  This week he made news when he espoused a notion that Trump and his legal team should be given the courtesy of being allowed to correct the final Mueller report before it is shared with Congress or the American people.  He described it as "a matter of fairness."

And fair is fair.  Why shouldn't Rudy and all of Trump's other genius legal beagles be allowed to have a go at the report with their scissors, erasers, blackout pens, and crayons?  Who better knows what really happened between the Trump family and Russia, or between Donald and his bimbos, than the Trump organization itself?  When they get it fixed, then we can all read it.

I'm going to use that logic the next time John Law pulls me over and issues a citation.   I will take the ticket home, scratch out the parts I don't like, and re-write it from my own perspective and in my own words.  Then I will mail it in to the Court - along with my recommendation about what should be done to the cop who caused the unfortunate situation in the first place.

And if I need a lawyer, I will head over to the nursing home and find one just like Rudy!

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