Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Snakes Fornicating: Ted Cruz Crawls into Bed with Trump

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Has it just been two years ago that Donald Trump was posting unflattering pictures of Ted Cruz's wife on Twitter and making accusations that the Texas senator's father had been involved in the assassination of President Kennedy?  Why it seems a lifetime ago that an enraged Cruz fired back at Trump calling him "a pathological liar," "a narcissist at a level I don't think this country's ever seen," "utterly amoral,"  "a serial philanderer," and a "sniveling coward."

How the world has changed in just twenty-four short months!  Then Donald Trump was referring to Cruz as "lying' Ted," and now that same fountain of ever-flowing excrement is gushing with praise for the senator that no one likes and giving him a whole new set of Trumpian labels, things like "Beautiful Ted."  Then Ted Cruz was awash in moral indignation over Trump's effort to humiliate his wife, and now he is heaping praise  on the Golfer-in-Chief and publicly promising to campaign at his side in 2020.

What the hell happened?  How did those two vile and sadistic SOBs suddenly develop such an unabashed love for each other?

Well, it's all politics, a surreal other world where those running for office sprint down a hall filled with fun house mirrors and strike whatever absurd poses that pollsters tell them the voters want to see.  Cruz is in a surprisingly tight race to retain his senate seat, and he needs the support of the lying, narcissistic, amoral, cowardly Trump.   And Trump, who desperately wants to retain his relevance through continuing Republican control of the Senate, needs to be seen as supporting lying Ted and his ugly wife.

The snakes are fornicating, boys and girls, and those with weak stomachs need to look away.

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