Friday, January 19, 2018

Another Day, Another Airport

by Pa Rock
Weary Road Warrior

It's Friday morning (I think) and Patti and I are at the San Diego Airport (of that I am fairly certain).  Our flight to Honolulu boards in half-an-hour.   Valerie plans on meeting us at the airport and will spirit us over to our hotel near Waikiki.  It will be so nice not having to drive for awhile.

This morning I had the route to the rental care return center carefully mapped out.  Five seconds out of our hotel parking lot I found that the base exit that led to the first necessary turn was closed, so the whole plan went out the car window like so much litter.  Eventually we found another way off of the base and were able to reconnect with our original planned route.   Beyond that, no problemas.

Soon sunny San Diego will be in our rear-view mirror.

Adios California - Aloha Hawaii!

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