Sunday, December 17, 2017

Molly Files, Full of Smiles at Forty-One

by Pa Rock
Proud Father

My daughter, Molly Miranda Macy Files, was born forty-one years ago today in Joplin, Missouri.  Now she is a wife, mother, and homemaker in Oregon where she spends much of each day shuffling her and Scott's three children - Sebastian, Judah, and Willow - to their various schools, activities, and events.  Keeping up with Molly on just a "normal" day would make the Roadrunner look like a slacker!

Molly was born in the "bicentennial" year of 1976.  Her birth also occurred during one of our country's "interregnums," periods of time between the election and swearing-in of new Presidents.  Gerald Ford had lost the presidential election to Jimmy Carter in November, Molly was born in December, and Carter was sworn in as President in January.

I was in the delivery room when Molly was born - my first viewing of a live birth.  A few years later Tim's birth would be my second and (hopefully) final attendance at a live birth.  That evening my parents drove to Joplin to see their new granddaughter.  It was probably a full moon because the baby-viewing room was full with over thirty tiny new human beings.  (Happy birthday to rest of you guys, as well!)  Molly was on the front row, with tight little red curls on her head.  My  mother took one look at the multitude of infants and then pointed directly at Molly saying, "That's our baby right there!"

And now she is forty-one with babies of her own!

Happy birthday, Honey.  May you enjoy many, many more in the warmth and happiness of your own family.  You continue to be a blessing!

1 comment:

molly. said...

I didn't realize I was your first viewing of a live birth. At least I had cute hair. :) Thanks for the post. I love you~*