Sunday, December 31, 2017

A Monster Evolves

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

I received one of those day-by-day calendars for Christmas this year - one that features "Trumpisms" or quotes by Donald John Trump for each day of the year.  Since unwrapping that particular gift I have leisurely thumbed trough the entries and markedly increased my knowledge of our so-called leader.  A lot of what is contained on the calendar's small pages I already knew.  There are numerous examples of Trump's disgust with (and fear of) smart women.  Not only does he gleefully disparage Hillary, but he also takes cheap shots at Rosie O'Donnell, Bette Midler, and Cher.  In fact, his general disdain of women taken together with his remarks about his own "good looks" and his "great brain" would almost lead one to think that he views women through a lens of jealousy.

Trump also bangs on and on about "losers and haters."   "Losers" in Trump-speak include anyone who has less wealth or material goods than he does, a circumstance which makes most of his supporters "losers."  "Haters" is an all-inclusive group of anyone who has ever dared to speak out against Donald Trump.

Of all Trump quotes included in the calendar, the one that I felt was most revealing was this gem which is highlighted on Friday, February 23, 2018.  The quote, taken from Trump's The Art of the Deal  (1987), is this:

"In the second grade, I actually gave a teacher a black eye - I punched my music teacher because I didn't think he knew anything about music, and I almost got expelled."
There is no stated remorse.  There is no tale about angry or disappointed parents correcting the child once they got him home.  It is simply - and proudly - a tale of a child striking a teacher and suffering no consequences for his action.  There is not even an acknowledgement more than fifty years later that he was wrong to have hit the teacher.  Donald is never wrong now - and he was never wrong then.

A second grader strikes a teacher in the face and doesn't get expelled (suspended).  What does that say about about entitled and privileged children?  Trump, the slumlord's son growing up on Long Island was undoubtedly being educated at a private school - of the type favored by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.  What does this incident say about the efficacy of this type of educational opportunity?  Is this the promised land of education, the type of school where we should all aspire to send our kids?

A child hits a teacher, a parent rescues the child by spreading around some cash.   The teacher learns that he is powerless and a target.   The child learns he is immune from school rules and the dictates of teachers. The child slowly and steadily evolves into a monster.

Who could possibly expect any other outcome?

Let's all vow to support our public schools and their valiant, struggling teachers.  Education is the cornerstone of freedom and democracy.

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