Friday, December 15, 2017

USA Today Stands Up for America

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

When ti comes to dealing with women, Donald Trump usually assigns them to one of two piles:  those with irreversible character flaws - sluts, whores, and liars - and those who are so unattractive as to not merit any of his valuable attention.  Well to be totally honest, there is a third group - those he uses and then throws on one of the two piles.

Women are resources to be used and then thrown away in Trump's world.

Trump has a particular hostility toward women in positions of power.  It's been almost a year since a Constitutional quirk denied the presidency to Hillary Clinton, yet Trump, never magnanimous, cannot let go and never misses an opportunity to take a cheap shot at the former First Lady, Senator, and U.S. Secretary of State.  He also seems to have an irrational fear of the superior intellect of Senator Elizabeth Warren and regularly attacks her with name-calling, most notably "Pocahantas" as a way of demeaning her Native American heritage.

Women in positions of power are especially maddening to Donald John Trump.  He never lets up on the Hillary's and Elizabeth Warren's of the world, and when a new female threat begins to show signs of rising, she must be dealt with quickly and forcefully.

This past Monday Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, a woman with a powerful political base already in place and functional, dared to speak out against Trump and said that he should be investigated and resign over sexual abuse allegations - currently numbering at least seventeen.  Trump fired back a now infamous tweet in which he suggested that Senator Gillibrand was a "lightweight" who frequented his office seeking political donations - and would do "anything" for those donations - or in Trump-speak - he called her a whore.

Senator Warren tweeted into the conversation with her own appraisal that Trump had "slut-shamed" Senator Gillibrand.

But Senator Gillibrand probably did not need the assist from Warren.  She appeared to be ready to spar with the pompous ex-reality television personality the following day when she went on the Today Show and had this to say:

"It was certainly just a sexist smear intended to silence me.  And I'm not going to be silenced on this issue. I have heard the testimony of many women, numerous accusers. I believe them and he should resign for that."

As the war of words escalated, the editorial board of USA Today decided that it also had an opinion worthy of sharing.   That national publication which had encouraged its readers to "resist the siren song of a dangerous demagogue" (Trump) last fall and vote for someone else - but did not directly endorse Hillary - wrote a scathing editorial on Wednesday in which if flatly stated that Donald Trump was not fit to "clean the restrooms in Obama's presidential library - or shine the shoes of George W. Bush."

(Those lines have been repeated and chuckled over - and no doubt raged over - ad nauseam the past couple of days.  But damn it, I wanted them to be part of the historical record of this blog as well, and this is the first chance I've had to include them.) 

That editorial also included this note on what does not make America great:

"A president who shows such disrespect for the truth, for ethics, for the basic duties of the job and for decency toward others fails at the very essence of what has always made America great."

I was a subscriber to USA Today back during the 1990's before the internet began bringing the news of the world to my work space.  It was a respected source of news and opinion back then, and obviously still is.  It may be time to look at renewing the subscription.

Thank you, USA Today, for continuing to stand up for America!

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