Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Trump in Full Sabotage Mode

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

People who know Donald Trump well, from the time before he fancied himself a political messiah, warn that hie is, at heart, a childish bully who will destroy things that he cannot have.   Some had already cautioned that if he lost his re-election to the presidency he would "burn the place down" on the way out the door.

Joe Biden will be able to fix some of the damage that Donald Trump has perpetrated on America, but as Trump heads to the door, he now seems to be intent on making Biden's emergency repairs as difficult as possible.  As a case in point, Trump announced back in May that the US would withdraw from the "Open Skies" treaty that the US had joined nearly three decades ago.   Leaving that treaty required six months notice, so our withdrawal became effective this week.

The "Open Skies" treaty was first proposed by President Eisenhower more than sixty years ago following the US involvement in World War II and the Korean War.  It's premise was that member nations would have authority to fly over each other's territory to monitor military movements and activity.  It was a joint exercise in keeping everyone honest.  A treaty to that effect was finally signed by twenty-six countries in 1992, and by 2002 when it went into effect it had thirty-four signatories.  The United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia were all among the original members.

Between the years 2002 and 2019 members of the "Open Skies" treaty flew over 1,500 observation missions.  The United States, which flew about a third of this missions, operated with two special observation planes  that were housed at Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha.

As the Trump administration announced this week that we had officially ceased membership in the "Open Skies" treaty, it also announced that the two observation planes were now excess military equipment and would be given or sold to our allies.  Special cameras and sensors aboard the planes were also being  sold or given away.

Some are suggesting that this rush to get rid of the planes and equipment is being done so that the Biden administration will not be able to easily rejoin the agreement.  Some are also suggesting that the primary benefactor of this military garage sale will be Russia who will no longer have to worry about being monitored by the Americans.

Some are even going to far as to suggest that this is all a great big glorious twofer for Trump.  He gets to stick it to Biden on his way out the door, and he also hands Putin a very nice parting gift!

It will be such a relief to once again have a decent human being heading our government!

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