Friday, July 5, 2024

Sebastian is Seventeen!

by Pa Rock
Proud Grandpa

My second oldest grandchild, Sebastian Phoenix Files, turns seventeen today.  Tempus fugit!  Boy howdy, does tempus ever fugit!

Sebastian was born in Phoenix, Arizona, but moved with is family to the much cooler and greener city of Salem, Oregon, when he was less than a year old.  Phoenix would not have been a good place to celebrate birthdays because cakes melt there, especially in the middle of the summer.   I understand that when my daughter and son-in-law were searching for a middle name for Sebastian, it was my oldest grandchild, Boone Macy, (who was then eight) who suggested "Phoenix."  Good work, Boone.   "Phoenix" is a very cool middle name, even if it is a miserably hot city!

I had the opportunity to visit with Sebastian a few weeks ago when he and his family were in the Kansas City area on vacation, and then early last week I also got to see Sebastian and the Files family in their home in Salem.  He and I went out for breakfast on Sunday morning and stopped at the local McDonalds (his choice).   While several teens whom I have known over the years would have tried to bankrupt their benefactor by eating their weight in free grub, Sebastian surprised me with his breakfast order of two cookies and an apple juice.  (No wonder he is tall and trim while I waddle around like Jabba the Hutt!)

We talked quite a bit about education, something that I hope he pursues with fierce determination because education is the key factor for success in any life endeavor.  Sebastian says he plans to enter a technical school and train in the field of computer game programing, and I, who know nothing about that profession and assume that he does, wish him joy and supreme satisfaction as he progresses along that path.

In the near term, Sebastian will be one of the editors for his school newspaper when high school resumes this fall.  He has been involved with the school paper for a couple of years and enjoys writing - and that activity undoubtedly provides an interesting perspective on high school that he might miss otherwise.

One other item of note:  Sebastian has his first job this summer and is working at a Taco Bell in Salem. "Yo quiero Taco Bell!"

(Here is something off-the-wall and interesting - at least to me:  "Sebastian" and "Seventeen" both have nine letters, begin with an "S" and end with an "N," and have two other letters which repeat in identical spaces - "e" is space number 2, and "t" in space number 6.  Coincidence?  I think not!  Seventeen was meant to be a special year for Sebastian, and Pa Rock hopes that it is!  If Sebastian had been born one day earlier, on the Fourth of July, I was going to suggest that his parents name him "Skyrocket," which also has nine letters and begins with an "S."  Coincidence?  No way, José!)

Happy birthday, Sebastian!  Study and work hard - and make us all proud!

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