Sunday, July 21, 2024

GOP Window-Peekers Take Aim at Divorce

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The looney fringe (and center) of the Republican Party doesn't like the government telling people how to live their lives, but they have no qualms at all about trying to impose their own values on others - often through the creation of laws that are then enforced by the government.  It's hypocrisy created and sustained by a straight, white, male-dominated, Christian mainstream that on the one hand paints the government as an enemy of the people, and on the other uses the government to impose its will on others.  Laws that reflect the beliefs and values of the mainstream are seen as necessary safeguards on society, and others which recognize or benefit those outside of the mainstream are portrayed as government intrusions on an otherwise free people.

There are those who fervently believe that their mission in life is to define and codify morality and to enforce their views on the rest of society, and they get especially intense when it comes to matters like marriage, gender, sex, and procreation, or what some might generalize as "bedroom" issues.

They are peeking in bedroom windows looking for marriage licenses that reflect a spiritual and legal union between one man (who was born a man) and one woman (who was born a woman).  They want to know if God's will that men and women have sex to conceive children is being interfered with by contraception, and if those babies, once conceived are being allowed to develop to full-term where they can exist outside of the womb, or are they being "murdered" by would-be parents and abortionist doctors.   The people peeking in the bedroom windows and taking copious notes are not concerned with whether the fetus - which they insist is a child - is viable or not or whether the birth will harm or even kill the mother or the child.  They just want God's will to be allowed to proceed without outside interference. 

The bedroom monitors want to make sure that people who feel they were born into the wrong bodies - or as the wrong gender - remain in the bodies that God provided them.  If God made him a boy, then by God he remains a boy, and if God made her a girl, then Hail Mary she's a girl!

The window-peekers are also concerned with people who practice appropriate sex but can't get pregnant.  Are they resorting to "unnatural' remedies like surrogacy or fertilizing eggs outside of the womb, or are they doing the responsible thing and searching for healthy white babies to adopt?

The bedroom police work to ensure that when people are once married, they stay married.  There is a move on to do away with the concept of "no fault" divorce - a divorce where no blame is assigned and no objections offered.  People just decide the marriage is not working and one or the other files  to end the marriage.   Some on the right think that divorce has become too easy and they favor ending "no fault" and making people show and prove grounds for divorce.  (All states currently recognize the concept of no-fault divorce, but a majority of states still have procedures in place which make divorce more difficult in the event that one of the parties objects.)

Nearly three-quarters of people currently filing for divorce are women, and the concept of "no-fault" is widely seen as a safety issue that makes it easier for women to flee an abusive marriage.  Seventeen states and the District of Columbia are currently "no-fault" divorce states where anyone who wants a divorce can get one without a costly or dangerous court entanglement.

Divorce, like abortion and contraception, is widely seen as a women's issue, and social conservatives have a penchant for attacking women's issues.   One of their primary arguments is that divorce, even in violent households, harms children by placing them in less stable and more dysfunctional settings.  The reality being ignored there is that little boys who witness, day-in and day-out, Dad beating the crap out of Mom, often grow up emulating their primary role model and become spouse abusers themselves - and little girls growing up in those households seek out spouses who are controlling like their fathers were.

Those are facts, but window-peekers aren't looking for facts - they just want to preserve the world in which they grew up, a world designed and run as their God intended.

(Hypocrisy in action:  JD Vance has spoken out against divorce even in cases of violence in families.  Donald Tump is twice-divorced and has a history of extra-marital affairs.  Go figure.)

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