Friday, May 31, 2024

Thirty-Four Times Guilty; Lock Him Up!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The jury came in yesterday afternoon on the first of four criminal cases being pursued against Donald John Trump  That case, the only one that has gone to trial so far, was brought by the state of New York which alleged that Trump had paid a porn star to keep quiet about an affair that they had, and that Trump had then hidden that "hush money" payment through shady bookkeeping in an effort to keep the matter from surfacing in the 2016 election.  He paid off the porn star, hid the payment, and then lied about it in order to influence the election - so said the jury, unanimously, on each of the thirty-four counts in the criminal indictment.

Guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, and guilty!  (That took a whole lot of voting!   No wonder the jury took two days to completely reach a verdict!)

Donald Trump is a convicted felon, thirty-four times over!

Trump, for his part - the eternal victim - said the trial was rigged, the judge was corrupt, and the voters would have the final say in the matter in November.  He also sent out an appeal to the rubes for more donations.  (Never pass up an opportunity to pass the hat!)

Trump is, of course appalling appealing the decision, as he always does, and he has a press conference planned for later this morning in Trump Tower, a building of which he is a partial owner, to piss and moan some more about the unfairness of it all.

Republican leaders are already trampling each other as they race to stand by their man and malign the justice system.  History will not treat them kindly.

In the near term Donald Trump will have to undergo an interview with a probation and parole officer prior to his sentencing which will be in Judge Merchan's court on July 11th.  Sentencing on 7/11:  should we try and read something into that?  Lucky for Trump, or perhaps lucky for America?  Four days after  the sentencing, the Republican National Committee will select Donald Trump, a convicted felon, as their candidate for President because they have little choice and no class.

A couple of thoughts on the sentencing of convicted felon, Donald John Trump:

Trump could apparently be sentenced for up to four years in prison for the crimes on which he has been convicted, but speculation on the internet suggests that since Trump was such a model defendant, and these are his first (34) convictions, and the crimes are "white collar," that he will instead be sentenced to some more appropriate and lesser punishment like house arrest or community service.  

(Donald Trump slinging hash in a soup kitchen for the homeless?  Yeah, that'll happen!)

(For those who are not legal beagles, "white Collar" crime is shorthand for "white people" crime.  Felons of color are far less likely to be given VIP treatment on their first offense for any crime.  For confirmation, just ask Crystal Mason, the black woman from Ft. Worth, Texas, who was sentenced to prison for five years for casting a provisional ballot in the 2016 election when she was ineligible to vote due to being a convicted felon on probation.  Mrs. Mason claimed that she did not know she was ineligible to vote.  Her felonious action in that election, whether intentional or not, had far less impact than Donald Trump's felonious actions in the same election, but she was sentenced to five years in prison, and he may be confined for a couple of months at Mar-a-Lago!

(Mrs. Mason's conviction was overturned on appeal in 2022.)

There was also some buzz on the internet that sending Trump to prison would place him in danger.  If prisons are not safe places to warehouse people, why do we send anyone there?    And why should we be more concerned about the safety of Donald Trump in prison that we are about the safety of some young black man or woman whose incarceration is rooted in economic and racial injustice?  The safety of Donald Trump should not be the issue until the safety of all prisoners is the issue.

And if the safety of Donald Trump in prison is the issue, and sending him in with a legion of Secret Service agents is as impractical as it sounds, here is a one-word solution:  "supermax!"  He would be safe there, you betcha!

Lock him up!

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