Friday, May 17, 2024

Pomp and Circumstance, and Politics

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

One of my favorite memories of being a high school principal, and even a middle school principal, was helping to organize and run the graduation ceremonies.  The processionals, the speeches, the awarding of diplomas, the music, the crying, the happy students and families, the relieved teachers, the caps flying through the air, the recessionals, and the utter sense of relief once they were all out the door and everything was quiet again.

I actually miss all of that.

Donald Trump may be going to a high school graduation this afternoon, that of his son, Barron, who is graduating from high school at the private Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach, Florida.  Trump was supposed to be back in court in New York today, but he whined (as Trump is prone to do) that being in court would cause him to miss the high school graduation of his much loved youngest child, what's his name.  Judge Merchan, not wanting to be perceived as a dick, quietly acceded to Trump's "request," and cancelled today's court proceedings.

Donald Trump, a man who would not fit most people's idea of a stellar parent, apparently did not attend the high school graduations of his three oldest children.   Perhaps it is hard for him to sit patiently in gatherings in which he is not the absolute focus of everyone's attention.

Of course, whether Daddy ends up going to Barron's graduation or not, the youngest son will not be the old man's sole focus of the day.  Trump, after court had been cancelled, also accepted an invitation to be the main speaker of the Minnesota Republican Party's Lincoln-Reagan Dinner which is being held this evening in St. Paul.

The flight distance between Miami, Florida, and St. Paul, Minnesota, is 1,506 miles.

The campaign says Trump will be at both events.   That's a very busy day for an elderly person like Donald, but maybe he can catch a nap on the plane.

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