Thursday, May 30, 2024

Libertarians Nominate Chase Oliver for President

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The Libertarian Party nominated 38-year-old Chase Oliver from Atlanta as their national standard bearer in this year's presidential election.  The party made their selection at their national convention in Washington, DC, this past week.  Chase Oliver received the Libertarian nomination on the seventh round of voting.  His running mate will be Mike ter Maat, a retired police officer from Portland, Oregon, who led in the early rounds of voting.

There were some other interesting characters in the race as well.  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, who is pursuing the presidency as an independent candidate sought the Libertarian nomination in an effort to help him gain ballot access in several states.  He filed the necessary paperwork to run for the nomination of the Libertarian Party and spoke to the convention this week.  But Kennedy was eliminated in the first round of voting when he received less that half of the 5% of the total votes necessary  to advance into the second round.  Kennedy received a total of nineteen votes - or 2.07 percent of the total delegate votes.

Donald Trump also spoke to the convention and asked the delegates to make him their nominee, or to at least vote for him.  Trump was heckled and booed throughout his speech and became angry and combative toward the delegates telling them that unless they aligned with him they would have to be satisfied with never getting more three percent of the national vote.  The Libertarian Party chair ruled Trump ineligible for the party's nomination because he did not file necessary paperwork with the party, and he received a total of six write-in votes on the first round of voting.

Stormy Daniels, the porn star who once spanked Trump with a rolled-up magazine, received one write-in vote.

Chase Oliver, the official Libertarian nominee for President in 2024, describes himself as being "armed and gay."  He has run for public office as a Libertarian twice before, first as a candidate for Congress in a special election for Georgia's fifth district in 2020, and second as a candidate for the US Senate in Georgia in 2022.  Oliver received over 80,000 votes in the 2022 senate election and is credited with causing the runoff between incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock, a Democrat, and Herschel Walker, the Republican candidate.

The Libertarian nominee, Mr. Oliver, is employed full time outside of politics and holds two jobs in the world of business.  He is a sales account executive and an HR representative.  Within the Libertarian Party he is a member of the Classical Liberal Caucus.

Chase Oliver supports "ranked choice" voting,  He identifies as "pro-choice" on abortion but is opposed to taxpayer-funded abortions, and he believes that abortion should be legal nationwide.   He is opposed to US military aid to Israel and Ukraine and regards what is happening in Gaza as a genocide.  He favors the closure of US military bases abroad.  Oliver advocates for the end of the war on drugs and supports the legalization of marijuana.  He thinks the free market will eventually handle climate change if businesses are left alone, and he favors "more choice in the education marketplace on a state-by-state basis."  Chase Oliver is opposed to regulatory barriers that prevent organizations from feeding homeless people, and regarding immigration he says "If you're coming here to work and be peaceful, it's not my business."  Being a Libertarian, Chase Oliver is also a strong supporter of gun "rights," and practices "concealed carry."  He is gay and says, "Armed gays are harder to oppress, and they're harder to bash."

At 38 years of age, Oliver is 32 years younger than independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, 39 years younger than presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, and 43 years younger than President Joe Biden.

Welcome to the race, Chase Oliver.  While this tired old typist does not agree with you on all of the issues, it is still refreshing to have some youthful exuberance blowing through the dark and dreary cellars of entrenched political power.  Run hard and make some noise!

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