Saturday, April 6, 2024

The Eclipse as God's Wrath

by Pa Rock
Stargazer Geezer

A solar eclipse is a natural phenomenon that most children learn about in elementary school science classes, unless, of course, their school's curriculum is so infused with religious training that there is no time to teach science.  A solar eclipse occurs when three celestial objects - the sun, moon, and the Earth - align, and the moon is between the sun and the Earth blocking the sun's light and casting a portion of  the Earth into darkness under the shadow of th moon.   As the alignment shifts, the moon's shadow moves on.

Eclipses have been going on since the universe was formed (either by the Big Bang or some bored old white man playing with clay), and they have been noted in history since antiquity - and even understood by some of the ancient scholars.  The time and place of a solar eclipse was predicted by the British astronomer, Edmond Halley, in 1715. and the timing of an eclipse was a major plot point in Mark Twain's "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, which was written in 1889.

Solar eclipses are not mystifying events, government plots, or the wrath of God, regardless if what you may read on Facebook.  Yet, despite the fact that most ten-year-olds can explain the dynamics behind a total eclipse of the sun, there are still lots of people out there whose self-interest lies in spreading misinformation, or who are just too damned dumb or lazy to use Google or ask Alexa.

Yesterday Congressperson Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia posted the following on X (Twitter):

"God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent.   Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come.  I pray that our country listens."

God almighty!

Repent, repent, repent, America - or God will surely smite us with even more eclipses!

(Many of the people who would have believed that rubbish are gone now because they drank bleach to cure their COVID!)

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