Saturday, April 20, 2024

Schickelgruber's Birthday and Related Thoughts

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Adolf Schickelgruber, who would later change his name to Adolf Hitler, was born on this day in the Corinthian Province of Austria in the year 1889.  If he was sill alive and living on a ventilator somewhere down in the wilds of Brazil or Uruguay as a few fantasist conspiracy theorists probably still believe, today Adolf is celebrating his 135th birthday.

I knew that today was Hitler's birthday without having to look it up when I heard a news story on the radio this morning saying that this was the 25th anniversary of the infamous school shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, and I remembered that Hitler's birthday was at least part of the reason that the two student shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, had chosen that particular day for their heinous crime.   Harris and Klebold both fancied themselves to be admirers of Nazis and white supremacists.  They killed twelve of their classmates and a teacher before killing themselves.

And I bring all of that up in response to the royal fit that some GOP members of Congress are currently pitching as they demonize college students who are speaking out against the genocide being perpetrated by the Israeli government and armed forces against the Palestinian people of Gaza.  When college students carry signs or use other peaceful measures to draw public attention to the on-going extermination of an entire race of human beings, some members of God's Own Party in Congress clutch their pearls and declare that certain institutions of higher learning in America are condoning and fostering anti-semitic dissent among their students.   Those politicians use their outrage at school policies which protect free speech as a cudgel to threaten the loss of government aid to the schools.

Dissent and free speech be damned, right Elise?

Just because people worry and even demonstrate about others - often families with children - who are forced to scurry about in bombed-out rubble like rats while digging through garbage hoping to find enough scraps to live on for another day, that does not make them anti-semitic, but it does prove they are human.

But do you know who are anti-semites?  Nazis, that's who.   The members of the Nazi (National Socialist) Party in Germany in World War II and others who blindly followed the insane ravings of Adolf Hitler and stood by and watched in guilt and silence as six million Jews were gassed and killed on the direct orders of a madman.  Those people were and are anti-semitic.    And today's Neo-Nazis who admire the Nazi "culture" and history, and adorn themselves in the fascist paraphernalia while carrying their tiki torches down American streets shouting racial slurs are no better - and certainly not friends to Israel or the Jewish people.

Dry those crocodile tears you bloviating congressional hypocrites.    Don't worry about what the kids on America's campuses are saying until you have purged your own house of its anti-semitic elements.  If your house is still standing after you're run all of the rats away,  then come back and share your sanctimony.

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