Tuesday, August 22, 2023

GOP has been Dead for Seven Years

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

I came across an old tweet by comedienne Jane Curtin on the internet yesterday which she had posted as her New Year's Resolution for the year 2019.     The original cast member of Saturday Night Live resolved to make sure that 2019 was the year the Republican Party would die.  

My thoughts when I read Jane's tweet was that it had been a waste of a perfectly good resolution - because the Republican Party died in 2016 when it permitted obnoxious Donald Trump to remain in its race for the presidential nomination after his infamous remark about grabbing women "by the pussy" had been heard by millions.  A real major political party would have tossed that onerous windbag out on his ear right then and there, but not the Republican Party.

The Republican Party failed to stand up for decency, American values, and women.  The party curled up and expired, allowing Donald Trump to steal its election regalia and desecrate the American ideal of democracy.  

Today the ghost of the Republican Party blows across the land belching noises about witch hunts and crime families and retribution.  It's policies are a mishmash of attacks on basic human rights, women, transgender kids, LGBTQ+ individuals, ethnic and racial minorities, immigrants, the poor, voting rights, freedom of speech and a free press, anyone who dares to promote any commonsense gun safety measures, books they've never read, teachers, schools, libraries, American history, Black history, electric vehicles, amusement parks, Barbie, and Bud Light.  They support the Second Amendment to murderous extremes, the police (but only the ones that aren't "woke"), and traditional family values as long as those values are straight, white, nominally Christian.  They have no desire to make anything better, and are focused only on maintaining privilege.

The Republican Party is dead, and now its corpse is hopelessly entangled with the corpse of a corrupt politician who tried to overthrow American democracy.  Their rotting stench will be around for a few more election cycles, but someday that, too, will be gone.

I have faith that something far better will sprout from their compost.

(Be sure to come back tomorrow when I plan to disparage the Democrats!)

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