Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The End of the Line

by Pa Rock
Weary Traveler

I've flown so much the past month that the feathers on my arms are starting to frazzle and fall off.  Over the past thirty days I have served time in six airports, I think.  Kansas City (four times), Charlotte (twice), Raleigh (twice), Denver (once), Portland (twice), and Salt Lake City (once).  Portland remains my favorite - where I once encountered a TSA official who appeared to be of South Asian descent and was wearing a turban!    Kansas City is my least favorite, followed closely by Charlotte.

Yesterday's twin outrages at the Kansas City Airport (MCI), an airport which opened brand new earlier this summer, involved the parking building that was full to the max, causing our ride home to be late.  (Tim finally caught a break and came upon someone pulling out on the fifth level.). Then, on trying to get to the car, the one elevator that ran from the ground floor to the fifth level was already out of commission.  (Extra nice, MCI!)   My poor bedraggled sister and my poor bedraggled self had to climb three flights of stairs before we could catch a different elevator on up to the fifth level.  Of course, it was Tim who really suffered because he grabbed up all of the luggage so his elderly relatives would have less to worry about when they stroked out in the stairwell!

Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas, your airport sucks - and I mean that in the nicest possible way.   The next time you want to build a mall with runways, why not just call it a mall and turn those runways into extra parking spaces?

Rosie and I are home now, and the first load of laundry has gone through the washer.  It is hot and humid and very muggy outside.  The sky is overcast, and I am suspecting that all hell could pour from the heavens later tonight.

(Yesterday at the Salt Lake City airport I needed to get to the airline service desk.  There was a gaggle of folks in front of where I needed to be, and I finally made out what seemed to be a line.   I stepped up to the guy holding down what looked like the last spot and asked if it was the end of the line.  He laughed and said that it certainly was!  Tonight Rosie and I have reached the end of our line.  What a summer!)

Where are those damned high-speed trains that we were promised, @SecretaryPete?  This voter is paying attention!

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