Sunday, July 30, 2023

Republicans Can't Handle the Truth

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Thirteen Republican candidates for President dutifully appeared at the 2023 Lincoln Dinner in Des Moines, Iowa, last Friday night and spoke before 1,200 faithful Republican supporters.  The dinner, an annual fundraiser for the Iowa Republican Party, was a "cattle call," the type of event that GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump has avoided throughout the campaign, but it was such a big draw and important to-do that even Trump agreed to join the gaggle of common candidates, some of whom he has referred to as "clowns."

Trump has been reluctant about placing himself at events with other candidates so as to avoid surprise political attacks, although most of the other candidates remain extremely cautious in commenting about Trump for fear of further alienating his already-angry base supporters.  The Des Moines stop did not appeal to Trump because it limited him to only a ten-minute speech, and the windbag politician is more comfortable speaking in situations where he can pump an unfiltered stream-of-consciousness through his toxic blowhole for as long as the spirit moves him.  

Des Moines was not going to be an ideal setting for Trump, but Iowa Republicans sweetened the deal by giving him the final speaking slot on the evening's agenda,  As the wrap-up candidate, he could have a clear shot at what others had said - especially if it happened to be about him - and they would have no opportunity to rebut his remarks.

There was, of course, an assumption that no one would dare to be too critical of explosive showman / politician.

Mike Pence and Asa Hutchinson did dare to talk in very general terms about the need for new leadership, but they did so in the gentlest possible terms without deliberately twisting the lion's tail.  There was one candidate, however, who had no qualms about going after Trump directly, even in front of a room full of starchy white Iowa Republicans who had paid good money for a rubber chicken dinner and the opportunity to see Donald Trump in person.  

Will Hurd, a former three-term GOP congressman from Texas and also a former clandestine operative with the CIA, rose to the challenge and told the crowd exactly what they did not want to hear.  In his brief address to the cream of Iowa's Republican Party, Will Hurd said this:

"Donald Trump is not running for president to make America great again.  Donald Trump is not running for president to represent the people that voted for him in 2016 and 2020.   Donald Trump is running to stay out of prison."

Truth had been spoken, and the partisan audience could not handle the truth.  They booed and they jeered and the speaker acknowledged their contempt by admitting that the truth was hard to accept.  He also noted that a Trump nomination would make Biden more likely to be re-elected.  And then Mr. Hurd left the stage.

Denial may be a river in Egypt, but it obviously takes a meandering detour through Des Moines!

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