Tuesday, September 20, 2022


by Pa Rock

Today I find myself still beaten down from this weekend's roadtrip to the Kansas City area, and I am also trying to gear up for a trip to Springfield tomorrow for a doctor's visit and lunch with friends.    With all of that spinning about, my mind really is not at the place where it needs to be to process some heavy political matter into a blog posting.   

So instead of trying to rampage over some story of global import, I will instead focus on matters more minor - things which, though they are far from world-shattering, do tend to piss me off.   Some are common annoyances, things that piss off a great many people, like music booming from vehicles so loudly that it frightens other drivers and causes songbirds to fall from trees.  Or the idiots who have to constantly check their phones and answer texts in darkened settings like theaters - and every set of eyes in the house is automatically drawn to the illumination from that phone and away from what is happening on the screen or the stage.  People who are that rude would probably benefit from a good caning.

Drive-through lines also tend to really get me going.  They are there for convenience and for saving time, especially drive-through lines at fast food places.  If your primary purpose in going to one of those places is to get food, then by all means stay in your car,  place your order,  pick up your food, and go.  But if your primary purpose is to visit with the wait staff, you should go inside to do it and leave the drive-through lines for those of us who are after the convenience and time-saving aspects of the experience.    If you do not have a clue as to what you want, go inside to ponder your selections.   If you have six children with you, make a list of what each child wants before you enter the drive-through line.  If you are going to play "twenty-questions" about what the options are on a burger that you have ordered a hundred times on past occasions, go inside to do that, too.  And if you suspect that paying for the purchase will require removing car seats  and floor mats in order to look for loose change, do that before you leave the house! 

I also don't understand why people with perfectly fine hearing need to run subtitles with everything they watch on television.  If the program is in the language that you normally speak, use your ears and turn off those distracting subtitles!   And if reading is what you would rather be doing, grab a good book or go to the library!

Are you beginning to figure out why I'm still single?

1 comment:

RANGER BOB said...

Here's one:
In the grocery line, an old lady waits until everything is checked through and the clerk announces the total amount due. Then the old gal rummages through her purse to find the check book, fumbles around for a pen, writes out the check asking the clerk what the date is, hands over the check but waits for the clerk to ask for ID before trying to find it. That drives me nuts. Fortunately, there are fewer and fewer people who do that.

Another one: in the same line, some old guy waits until he hears the amount due before he pulls out his wallet and goes for his debit card, slides it through the machine with the magnetic strip on the wrong side of the card, finally reverses the card and slides it through correctly but the machine says it noticed a chip and the card must be inserted instead. Of course, he has to dig out his reading glasses to read that fine print. It drives me nuts. Wait, I think I'm that old guy.