Wednesday, June 23, 2021

McCaskill Channels Harry Truman

by Pa Rock

As a lifetime Missouri voter who generally supports the nominees and positions of the Democratic Party, I have a long-standing familiarity with Claire McCaskill dating back to her days as our state's auditor and one of the better known power brokers in Jefferson City.   I have always voted for Claire with the lone exception being in the August primary of 2004 when she challenged and beat our state's incumbent Democratic governor.  After turning on her own, she went on to lose that year's general election to Matt Blunt (Ol' Roy's son) who served just one term and then chose not to run for re-election under rather mysterious circumstances.

While I have almost always supported Claire at the polls, including all of her senate races, at times I have been less than enthusiastic when I did so.  That lack of enthusiasm was rooted in the fact that the "constituent services" provided by her senate office personnel sucked - big time.

Now Claire is out of politics and out of Washington, DC (mostly), and now as a journalist and an opinionator living in New York City she seems to be a bit more at ease, especially when it comes to saying what is on her mind.  Yesterday she cut loose on Twitter with some thoughts on the Missouri legislature that would have garnered a "like" and a salty rebuttal from Missouri's best known deceased politician, Harry S. Truman.   In fact, Claire's tweet sounded like she might have actually been channeling Truman.

McCaskill had this to say about our state's sorry legislature:

"I cannot adequately describe the disfunction & chaos that is MO state govt right now. Refusing people’s will on Medicaid expansion, refusing to re-up pro forma law that also leaves billions of Fed $ on the table, passing unconstitutional backwoods bullshit on guns. So embarrassing." 

It is a comfort for me to realize that I am not the only Missourian who is embarrassed by our state legislature.

"Backwoods bullshit on guns!"

It ain't Shakespeare, but it ain't bad!

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