Sunday, January 31, 2021

Protesters Attempt to Deny COVID Vaccine to Others

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

At this point in time I don't have a major problem with people who decline to be vaccinated against COVID.  Their denial of science just means that others will be able to get the life-saving treatment earlier.  I do, however, realize that sooner or later most people will have to be vaccinated in order to put a permanent end to this cruel pandemic - but for now let's focus on the smart end of the gene pool.  The others will come around eventually as pandemic deaths begin to devastate their numbers.

So, for the time being, let the alarmists alone as they increase their own risk and provide extra vaccine for the rest of us.

But I do have a problem with the shot protesters using their unhinged conspiracy theories to try and deny life-saving medical treatment to others.   There are people fighting the inoculation program who believe  the pandemic is not real, and that the nearly half-a-million US deaths were the result of other causes.  Those people are dangerously ill-informed about the ravages that COVID-19 is unleashing on the entire planet - as well as just plain stupid.

At the same time there is also a small but growing anti-vaccination community that stretches across the United States, people who believe a range of blatant falsehoods from the rise in cases of diagnosed autism is a result of childhood vaccinations to the freakish claim that the government has placed a tracking technology in inoculations so that it can monitor the movement of citizens.

And now all of these science-deniers and kooks are coming together in a crazy mix that is focused on disrupting the program to immunize Americans against COVID-19 - and their goal has gone beyond just refusing shots themselves to the notion that they are somehow responsible for denying them to others as well.  They have stepped beyond their own self-interest and are now trying to force others to live in their fantasyland.

Los Angeles has set up a mass COVID-19 clinic at Dodger Stadium where the city is attempting to vaccinate 12,000 individuals a day.  Yesterday that clinic was stopped for nearly an hour as the city attempted to move protesters away from the entrance.  Protesters also took to the main highway arteries serving the stadium and disrupted and stalled several lanes of traffic.

There is a difference between placing your own health at risk - and deliberately interfering with the health practices of others.  When the protesters began feeling a misguided urge to protect everyone else, they crossed a line.  It's one thing to endanger your own life - and quite another to endanger the lives of others!

Whacko conspiracy theories are a danger to the health of individuals, our nation, and the planet.  Let science rule!


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