Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Cure for Trump Rot

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The longer Donald Trump remains in office, the looser his grip on reality becomes.

This past week our emotionally explosive leader gave us a couple of clear insights into what his second term would look like, and those images were not inspiring. Trump, who has spent his entire life breaking the law and cheating the system, has decided to cloak himself in a "law-and-order" mantel as he seeks re-election, and to highlight his "tough-on-crime-and-criminals stance," Trump's target-of-choice is the BLM movement and the on-going turmoil in American cities.   It's an appeal to racism by a man who is very comfortable leading a racist movement.

Trump laid the groundwork for his law-and-order putsch by hammering on his belief that America's schools having been focusing on the negatives in history, things like slavery, when they should have been celebrating what he sees as the glories of our history and stoking patriotic fervor.  He crafted an executive order calling for patriotic education in the schools which would promote the American experience in a positive light.  (Presumably the control of federal funding to schools would be the stick to whip those history-teaching mules into line.)

Some fear Trump's authoritarian tendencies would lead to patriotic classes and clubs and eventually uniformed groups of school children who spread out into the communities and report "unpatriotic" acts that they observe to local leaders - much like the Hitler Youth of the 1930's and 1940's.  (If you haven't seen the 2019 film "Jojo Rabbit," this would be the right time to do it!)

Yesterday Trump and his legal mouthpiece, US Attorney General William Barr, also made threats against three major American cities - which they referred to as "anarchist" cities.  The Trump administration is trying to claim that these cities are deliberately flouting the rule of law, and it suggested that federal aid (again with the stick!) could be withheld to punish them for their failure to behave in a way that is pleasing to Donald John Trump.  The cities labeled as "anarchist" include Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington, and New York City.  All three also just happen to be Democratic strongholds.

Trump has been particularly enraged at New York City ever since the city painted "Black Lives Matter" on the street in front of his "Trump Tower" on Fifth Avenue.    New York's Governor Cuomo has said that Trump's "anarchist" designation and the withholding of federal funds would be both illegal and unconstitutional, and he promised to immediately take the matter into court if the administration followed through on its threat.   Portland and Seattle are also not the types of communities to tolerate a bully.

Yes, Donald Trump is dim-witted and lazy, but he is also vile, vindictive, and dangerous.   Should he somehow manage to get re-elected, he will waste vast amounts of time golfing and rage-tweeting, like he did in his first term, but he will also further destroy the fabric of our nation by imposing the heavy hand of "Big Brother" across the broad spectrum of society.   Trump has infected America with a rot, and the longer he remains in office, the stronger that rot grows, the further it spreads - and the more dangerous it becomes for our country.

And the only way to cure Trump Rot is through voting.

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