Friday, September 18, 2020

Pence Does Litchfield Park

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

I saw a snippet on the internet this morning stating that Mike Pence would be visiting Litchfield Park, Arizona, today where he will speak at some sort of "Veterans for Trump" event at the Wigwam Resort.  That caught my attention because I am a former resident of Litchfield Park - a community that in 2018 boasted a population of 6,310 parched souls - and almost as many cacti and palm trees.

Litchfield Park is a long stretch of sand between Goodyear, Arizona to the south and Luke Air Force Base to the immediate north.  And while there are some very nice homes hidden back off of the main highway, the community also has more than its fair share of strip malls, clubs, liquor stores, and mobile homes.  I shared one of this mobile homes, a double-wide, with an old cat named Scroungy Bastard, for the better part of two years.

I miss Scroungy Bastard, but not Litchfield Park.  

Litchfield Park lies in what is commonly referred to as the West Valley, but it and all of the other towns out that way run together and are, in fact, all part of the Phoenix metroplex.

I read the other day that the Trumpers consider Florida and Arizona to both be critical to their re-election hopes.   Arizona elected a Democratic senator two years ago, and the state appears to be on the verge of electing another Democratic senator in November - and polls show Trump trailing Biden in the state as well.  For the Republicans to carry the state, they will have to do exceptionally well in their stronghold of Maricopa County (Phoenix) - and especially in the military-centric West Valley.

(And based on conversations that I have had with friends who still live there, I can attest to the fact that there is a strong undercurrent of Biden support flowing through the Valley.)

So if Arizona is as critical as the GOP seems to believe it is, Pence's visit is probably a good idea.

But Mikey, I would urge a certain amount of caution.   The area has far more scorpions than it does voters, gay Arizonans are not shy and many would probably jump at the chance to embarrass you, and, if you see an old yellow tomcat climbing over the wall of the Wigwam, something he has been known to do, be extra cautious because Scroungy Bastard hates rats with a passion!

You've been advised!

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